School of Education


Master of Education: Curriculum

Applications are now open. Click HERE.


Programme Rationale

The Curriculum concentration is offered for educators and administrators at all levels of the system who must deal with curriculum issues in the Caribbean in a time of rapid and widespread curriculum change. The programme is aimed at giving students the opportunity to develop critical competencies in curriculum theorising, planning and implementation, and to learn how curriculum theories have shaped Caribbean curricula.

Issues to be considered relate to the status of curriculum theory, planning and enactment from perspectives that are informed both by Caribbean experience and enquiry and by the experience and expertise of the wider educational community. Students will be encouraged to use their diverse educational and other life experiences in responding to the demands of the programme.

Recommended Entry Requirements

It is recommended that students applying for the M.Ed. programmes be practicing teachers with either a B.Ed. degree (Upper Second-Class Honours or higher) or a Bachelor’s degree and the Postgraduate Diploma in Education. In instances where students do not have enough training in the area in which they want to specialise, they may be required to take qualifying examinations or sit in on undergraduate courses.

Structure of the Curriculum Programme

The programme consists of the following courses:

A. Three compulsory core courses common to all MEd Programmes:

  • EDFA6207: Education & the Development of Social Competencies
  • EDRS6208: Fundamentals of Educational Research I
  • EDRS6210: Fundamentals of Educational Research II

B. Four compulsory courses in the area of Curriculum

  • EDCU6309: Curriculum Theory as Process
  • EDCU6310: Curriculum Policy and Planning
  • EDCU6311: Curriculum Implementation and Adaptation
  • EDCU6312: Curriculum Enactment and Communication

C. One elective course chosen by the student with the approval of the School of Education

  • Recommended - EDME 6006 Principles of assessment and evaluation

Course Listing

Year I, Semester I

  • EDFA6207: Education & the Development of Social Competencies (4 credits)
  • EDRS6208: Fundamentals of Educational Research I (4 credits)
  • EDCU6309: Curriculum Theory as Process (4 credits)
  • EDRS6203: Graduate Research Seminars: Information Literacy

Year I, Semester II

  • EDRS6210: Fundamentals of Educational Research II (4 credits)
  • EDCU6310: Curriculum Policy & Planning (4 credits)
  • EDCU6311: Curriculum Implementation & Adaptation (4 credits)
  • EDRS6203: Graduate Research Seminars (observation)

Year II, Semester I

  • EDCU6312: Curriculum Enactment & Communication (4 credits)
  • EDRS6203: Graduate Research Seminars: Academic Writing
  • Elective

Year II, Semester II

  • EDRS6203: Graduate Research Seminars (Pass/Fail)
  • EDRS6900: Research Project (10 credits)

Non-exhaustive career options for those pursuing the MEd (Concentration in Curriculum)

  1. Head of Department
  2. Vice-Principal Curriculum
  3. Lecturer
  4. Curriculum Officer
  5. School Supervisor
  6. Education Officer

For more information, contact the following:

Postgrad Unit - School of Education

E-mail:; Phone: (868) 662-2002 Exts.: 83822 & 82227; Fax: (868) 662-6615

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