School of Education

Dr. Vera Dookie-Ramlal


St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago


Dr. Vera Dookie-Ramlal is a Lecturer in Education (Teaching of Social Sciences – Business) at the School of Education, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. She is involved in the B.Ed as well as the Dip Ed programmes at the SOE as well as providing doctoral supervisory support at the PhD and Masters level for graduate students.

Dr. Dookie-Ramlal is a holder of qualifications in multiple disciplines including education (PG Dip Ed., Teachers Diploma), Business (B.Sc, Management Studies; International MBA, HR (Diploma), and Entrepreneurship (M.Sc: Industrial Innovation Entrepreneurship and Management) among other certifications. Her research interests’ centre around the area of leadership and HR including such topics as empowerment, strategic planning and performance.

She has taught at all levels of the education system in the areas of business: POB, MOB, Economics, Accounts, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, HRD, Compensation Management, MIS in Educational Administration and Management among other areas.

Dr. Dookie-Ramlal collaborates with other consultants in the areas of business and people development, financial literacy, Career Visioning and planning, coaching and mentoring as well as good governance practices. Her involvement in consultancy work and practice inspired her to register a small business, A+ Management Consultancy.

Over the course of her professional career, she has provided support to a number of voluntary organizations including the UWIAATT where she currently serves as the Second VP, among an array of other Non-Profit organizations.  She describes herself as a lifelong learner and enjoys developmental and fun activities geared towards building community spirit and nationhood.


Link to Dr. Dookie-Ramlal's Research page

Lecturer in Social Sciences (Business)
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002/