School of Education

Dr. Freddy James

Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies and Research; Senior Lecturer

St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago


Dr. Freddy James is the Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, and a Senior Lecturer of Educational Leadership at the School of Education, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. She is a University of Warwick Postgraduate Research Fellowship Scholar. She is Vice-Chairman of the CARICOM team responsible for developing and implementing standards for school leaders and teachers. She is the President and Founder of Caribbean Visionary Educators Foundation ( Her current areas of research focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, building leadership capacity, teacher education, action research and educational change and improvement. She has published widely on these areas in a range of journals internationally, regionally and locally, including: Education Action Research Journal, School Leadership and Management Journal, Caribbean Curriculum and School Effectiveness and School Improvement. Dr. James has presented her research at many international and local conferences and is also involved in a number of local, regional and international education projects focused on embedding innovation into the teaching and learning process. In this regard she brought a team from Finland to conduct a training workshop on innovative pedagogy for selected staff across all faculties at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. She has presented feature addresses at international leadership conferences, regional and local educational conferences. Additionally, she has presented a number of international, regional and local educational webinars. Her most recent international/regional webinar on December 10, 2020, titled: “Where to from here: Innovations and transformations to guide a way forward”, was done for the SDG-Education 2030 Final Webinar in the Series for UNESCO Latin America and the Caribbean: Leaving no one behind in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of her most recent local speaking events was an invited presentation she made on Transforming Education in Trinidad and Tobago, at the Ministry of Education’s Spotlight on Education November 30, 2020.

Link to Dr. James' Research page

Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
Senior Lecturer in Educational Leadership
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002/83831