Research Interests
Dr Sharon Jaggernauth's research interests include:
- the teaching and learning of mathematics in schools
- teacher professional development
- teacher efficacy
- teacher effectiveness
- school-based assessment
- classroom-based research and
- curriculum development.
Selected Publications
- Kamalodeen, V. J., Ramsawak-Jodha, N., Figaro-Henry, S., Jaggernauth, S. J. & Dedovets,Z. (2021). Designing gamification for geometry in elementary schools: Insights from the designers. SmartLearning Environments, (8) 36.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2021). Modelling teacher efficacy change during a teacher professional developmentprogramme in Trinidad and Tobago. Caribbean Curriculum, 28,
- Jaggernauth, S. J., Garibsingh, A. & Hunte, A. (2020). Teachers' perspectives of the introduction of Mathematics school-based assessment in Trinidad and Tobago. Caribbean Educational Research Journal, 6(1), 1-33.
- Roberts, J., Phipps, S., Subeeksingh, D., Jaggernauth, S. J., Ramsawak-Jodha, N., & Dedovets, Z. (2020). Reflections on the effects of concrete mathematics manipulatives and student engagement and problem solving in three secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago. Caribbean Curriculum Special Issue on Action Research, 27. Available at
- Kalloo, R., Jaggernauth, S. J., Ramsawak-Jodha, N., Kamalodeen, V. J., Abdul-Majied, S., Dedovets, Z., Barrow, D. A. & Figaro-Henry, S. (2019). An exploratory study of game-based approaches in primary mathematics and science classrooms in Trinidad and Tobago. Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean special issue on STEM, 18(1), 30–81. Abstract available at
- Jaggernauth, S. J., Ramsawak–Jodha, N., Kamalodeen, V. J., Dedovets, Z., Barrow, D. & Figaro-Henry, S. (2018/19). Exploring Gamification for Reinforcing Geometrical Concepts and Skills at the Primary Level in Trinidad: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study. Caribbean Curriculum, 26, 65–98. Available at
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2017). Unpacking the experiences of teachers transitioning to blended learning in Trinidad and Tobago. In M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2017 (pp. 226-230). Lisbon, Portugal: World Institute for Advanced Research and Science. Available at
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2017). Modeling changes in teacher efficacy during in-service professional development in Trinidad and Tobago. In J. Mena, A. García-Valcárcel, F. J. G. Peñalvo & M. Martín del Pozo (Eds.), Search and Research: Teacher Education for Contemporary Contexts (pp. 217-226). Salamanca, Spain: International Study Association of Teachers and Teaching.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. & Jameson-Charles, M. (2015). Initial Teacher Efficacy of In-Service Secondary Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. Caribbean Curriculum, 23, 23 - 48.
- Jameson-Charles, M. & Jaggernauth, S. J. (2015). Exploring Teacher Efficacy of In-Service Secondary School Teachers: An Investigation of the Influence of Teacher Variables on Pre-Training Efficacy Beliefs. The Caribbean Teaching Scholar, 5 (1), 5 - 24. Available at
- Jaggernauth, S. J. & Jameson-Charles, M. (2015). Primary teacher mathematics anxiety, teacher efficacy and mathematics avoidance. In M. Carmo (Ed.), Education Applications & Developments, WIARS, Portugal, inScience Press, 45 - 58. Available at
- Jaggernauth, S. J. & Jameson-Charles, M. (2014). Mathematics anxiety and the primary school teacher: Mathematics teacher efficacy beliefs and mathematics avoidance tendencies. In M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2014 (pp. 175-179). Lisbon, Portugal: World Institute for Advanced Research and Science. Available at
Selected Presentations
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2017, June). Unpacking the experiences of teachers transitioning to blended learning in Trinidad and Tobago. Education and New Developments 2017 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Jaggernauth, S. J., Dedovets, Z., Ramsawak-Jodha, N., Kamalodeen, V. J., Kalloo, R., Barrow, D. A., Abdul-Majied, S., & Figaro-Henry, S. (2017, March). Exploring the use of gamification to reinforce geometric thinking and numeracy skills: A mixed methods case study in Trinidad and Tobago. Mixed Methods International Research Association Regional Conference in the Caribbean, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
- Jaggernauth, S. J., Guedez-Fernandez, R. & Legall, G. (2017, March). Why can’t I pass university mathematics? A mixed methods study of student and faculty perspectives at a university in Trinidad and Tobago. Mixed Methods International Research Association Regional Conference in the Caribbean, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
- Kamalodeen, V. J., Kalloo, R., Pinder, P., Dedovets, Z., Jaggernauth, S. J., Ramsawak-Jodha, N., Barrow, D. A., Abdul-Majied, S., & Figaro-Henry, S. (2016, June). Using games-based learning as a teaching strategy in primary school STEM instruction in Trinidad and Tobago. Ministry of Education Brown Bag. Ministry of Education, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2016, February). Strengthening Secondary School Teachers Teacher Efficacy through In-Service Professional Development. The IAFOR International Conference on Education, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Ramnanan, D. & Jaggernauth, S. J. (2015, June). Primary teachers’ concerns about the continuous assessment component of the secondary entrance assessment. UWI Biennial conference of the UWI Schools of Education 2015, Bridgetown, Barbados.
- Teelucksingh-Birju, S. & Jaggernauth, S. J. (2015, June). An investigation into social networking and blogging as a homework resource in CAPE communication studies. UWI Biennial conference of the UWI Schools of Education, Bridgetown, Barbados.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2015, January). Primary school teachers’ mathematics anxiety, mathematics teacher efficacy, and mathematics avoidance: The case of Trinidad and Tobago. 2015 Hawaii International Conferences, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2015, January). Exploring Teacher Efficacy of In-Service Secondary School Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. 2015 Hawaii International Conferences, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2015, Jaunary). Mathematics Anxiety, mathematics Teacher Efficacy, and mathematics avoidance: A study of primary teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. 2015 Clute Institute International Education Conference, Maui, Hawaii.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. & Jameson-Charles, M. (2015, January). Measuring dimensions of teacher efficacy: The case of in-service Secondary Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. 2015 Clute Institute International Education Conference, Maui, Hawaii.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2015, January). Primary school teachers’ mathematics anxiety, mathematics teacher efficacy, and mathematics avoidance: The case of Trinidad and Tobago. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2015, January). Measuring dimensions of teacher efficacy: The case of in-service Secondary Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. & Jameson-Charles, M. (2015, June). Primary teacher mathematics anxiety, teacher efficacy and mathematics avoidance. Education and New Developments 2014 Conference, Madrid, Spain.
- Jaggernauth, S. J. (2014, November). Primary teachers’ mathematics anxiety and teacher efficacy. Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychologists 2014 (CRCP2014): Unmasking the Past, Claim our Future, Paramaribo, Suriname.
- Jameson-Charles, M. & Jaggernauth, S. J. (2014, November). Changes in teacher efficacy beliefs of secondary teachers enrolled in an in-service teacher-training programme. Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychologists 2014 (CRCP2014): Unmasking the Past, Claim our Future, Paramaribo, Suriname.

Dr Sharon Jaggernauth presenting at the annual AERA conference, New York, 2018

Standing next to her poster presentation is Dr Sharon Jaggernauth at ISAAT, 2017

Dr Sharon Jaggernauth presenting at the Education and New Developments 2014 Conference, Madrid, Spain

Dr Sharon Jaggernauth presenting at the Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychologists in Paramaribo, Suriname, 2014