School of Education


Dr Rinnelle Lee-Piggott

Research Interests

Dr Lee-Piggott's research interests are in principal preparation, leadership and development; teacher leadership; school culture; education privatization and school change/improvement. 

Selected Publications

  • Wong, J. & Lee-Piggott, R. (2021). A clinical supervision intervention in questioning: An action 
  • Conrad, D., Lee-Piggott, R. & Brown, L. (2019). Social justice leadership: Principals’ perspectives in Trinidad and Tobago, Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (Special Issue: Leadership for Social Justice).
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2019). New principals’ emotions: Interactions with ‘inherited’ school cultures. In I. Oplatka & K. Arar (Eds.), Emotion management and regulation in teaching and educational leadership: Research and practice in transitional and developing societies. (pp. 173-192). UK: Emerald Publishing.
  • De Lisle, J., Seunarinesingh, K., Mohammed, R. & Lee-Piggott, R. (2017). Using an iterative mixed-methods research design to investigate schools facing exceptionally challenging circumstances within Trinidad and Tobago, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, DOI: 10.1080/09243453.2017.1306570.
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2017). New principals’ school culture awareness and school change. In: Bissessar, C. (Ed.) (pp. 46-74). Assessing the current state of education in the Caribbean. US: IGI.
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2017). School culture, effectiveness and low SES in Trinidad: A multiple case study diagnosis of an excelling, a mostly effective and an underperforming primary school. In: Bissessar, C. (Ed.) Assessing the current state of education in the Caribbean. (pp. 195-241). US: IGI.
  • De Lisle, J., Mohammed, R. & Lee-Piggott, R. (2014). Explaining Trinidad and Tobago's System Response to the International Assessment Data, Journal of Educational Administration, 52(4), pp. 487-508. [Impact factor: Scopus – Q1 0,916]
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2014). New principals’ negotiation of school culture.  The British Educational, Leadership, Management and Administration Society - BELMAS (2014) Educational Policy and Practice: Can leaders shape the landscape? Ettington Chase Hotel, Stratford-upon-Avon, England, 11-13 July, 2014.  Woods, P.  
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2014). When teachers lead: analysis of teacher leadership in one primary school.  Caribbean Curriculum, 22, 105-132.

Selected Presentations

  • Lee-Piggott, R., Brown, L., Conrad, D. & Conrad, D. (2023). Social Justice and Social Justice Leadership in Schools in Trinidad and Tobago: A QUAN study. Paper presented at IEAL-J Biennial International Conference on Educational Leadership & Management, Montego Bay, Jamaica. 18th-20th October.
  • St Bernard, G., Jameson-Charles, M., Lee-Piggott, R., Chankar, S. & King, S. (2021).Accounting for the Dynamics of Bullying on Social Media among Secondary School Students:Preliminary Insights from Sample Survey Data from Schools in Trinidad. Paper presented at the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Teacher Educators (TTATE) Virtual Conference 2021.17th – 18th Nov. 
  • St Bernard, G., Jameson-Charles, M., Lee-Piggott, R., Chankar, S. & King, S.(2021). Secondary schools’ efforts to mediate violence experienced by students.Paper presented at the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Teacher Educators (TTATE) VirtualConference 2021. 17th – 18th Nov. 
  • St Bernard, G., Jameson-Charles, M., Lee-Piggott, R., Chankar, S. & King, S. (2021).Violence in the Lives of Secondary School Students in Trinidad and Tobago. Paper presentedat the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Teacher Educators (TTATE) Virtual Conference 2021.17th – 18th Nov. 
  • Sambucharan-Mohammed, Khan-Ventour, Z. & Lee-Piggott, R. (2021). Possibilities or Problems? The Experiences of Private-School Parents during the Shift to ERTL: A phenomenographical multiple-case study. Paper presented at the Biennial TeachingConference for Tertiary Educators (Virtual), Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning(CoETaL), University of Guyana. 20th – 22nd Sept. 
  • Lee-Piggott, R., Khan-Ventour, Z. & Sambucharan-Mohammed, M. (2021).Sensemaking: Private School Leadership during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at the Annual British Educational Research Association (BERA) Virtual Conference. 13th – 16th Sept. 
  • Khan-Ventour, Z., Sambucharan-Mohammed, M. & Lee-Piggott, R. (2021). UnderstandingTeachers' Pedagogical Shifts in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at theAnnual British Educational Research Association (BERA) Virtual Conference. 13th – 16th Sept. 
  • Lee-Piggott, R., Conrad-Popova, D. & Conrad, D. (2021). Doing social justice leadership in challenging circumstances: Principals’ perspectives [Poster presentation]. British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Virtual Conference. 2nd -3rd July. 
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2021). Trends in education privatization in and of education in theCaribbean. Paper presented at the annual Comparative and International Education Society(CIES) Virtual Conference. 25th Apr to 2nd May. 
  • Conrad, D., Lee-Piggott, R. & Brown, L. (2019). Thinking of, knowing and doing social justice leadership: Principals’ perspectives. Paper presented at the International Conference on Educational Leadership and Management. Kingston, Jamaica, 7th & 8th March.
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2019). They don’t just resist: The ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘what for’ of school members’ responses to their new principals’ leadership.  Paper presented at the University of the West Indies Schools of Education 2019 Biennial Conference. St. Augustine, Trinidad, 19th – 21st February.
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2018). New principals’ professional judgment.  Paper presented at  American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. New York, USA, 13th -17th April.
  • Bowe, A., Lee-Piggott, R., Williams, K., De Lisle, J. & Seupaul, N. (2018). The future of  school climate studies in the Caribbean with significance for the Americas: Questions of Construct, Measurement and Methods.  Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. New York, USA, 13th -17th April.
  • Annisette, S., De Lisle, J., Bowrin, C. & Lee-Piggott, R. (2018). Leading improvement in schools with chronic low performance: What do successful principals in Trinidad and Tobago do? Paper presented at: International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI).  Singapore, 8-12 January.
  • De Lisle, J., Lee-Piggott, R., Smith, P., Mohammed, R., Collingwood-Boafo, R., Maharaj, S., Henry-David, L., Wall, A. & Katwaroo, H. G. (2017, April-May). Benchmarking the Trinidad and Tobago education system using international performance and contextual data.  Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Antonio.
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2017). New principals’ leadership and school culture: Values compatibility and the possibility of a generic primary school culture in Trinidad and Tobago. Presentation at The IDB-MOE 2017 Research in Education Symposium and Knowledge Marketplace, ‘Re-envisioning education in Trinidad and Tobago: Evidence at work for improved policy and practice – researching now; impacting the future’. Hyatt Regency Hotel, P.O.S, Trinidad and Tobago, 10 July.
  • Annisette, S., Lee-Piggott, R. & Merrick, D. (2016). Successful leadership practices in improving high poverty primary schools in Trinidad and Tobago. Paper presented  at: International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI). Glasgow, UK, 6-9 January.
  • Lee-Piggott, R. (2015). New principals’ leadership and school culture. Presentation at School of Education, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 1 December.