School of Education


Master of Education: Youth Guidance

Applications are now open. Click HERE.  See Promo Video.


Young people comprise an important part of our human resource potential. An important aim of education is to enable them to maximize their potential for learning and personal development so that they can lead healthy, fulfilling and successful lives, and contribute meaningfully to society. It is important, therefore, to have an understanding of the factors that facilitate or hinder this process.

The aim of the Youth Guidance programme, therefore, is to build the social, intellectual and technical capacities of teachers and educators to help young people develop positive attitudes to self and others, become more knowledgeable about their own development, develop the skills to manage their emotions, make appropriate lifestyle and career choices, and build positive relationships. It will not prepare teachers to become full-time counsellors or guidance officers, but, rather, will enable the mainstream classroom teacher to support students in facing various challenges of everyday life, as well as in identifying and realising their fullest potential.

Programme Structure

Students enrolled in the MEd programme in Youth Guidance are required to complete eight semester courses (or the equivalent) and a research project. The courses are each worth four credits. The research project report should not exceed 15,000 words and is worth ten credits. Students are also expected to attend Graduate Research Seminars and to present their research proposal at one of these seminars. The programme runs for two years on a part-time basis.

For the concentration in Youth Guidance, the eight courses to be completed are as follows:

  1. Three compulsory core courses for MEd programmes, including:
    • EDFA6207: Education & the Development of Social Competencies
    • EDRS6208: Fundamentals of Educational Research I
    • EDRS6210: Fundamentals of Education Research II
  2. Four compulsory courses in the area of Youth Guidance, including:
    • EDPS6209: Youth Development
    • EDGC6211: Health & Family Life Education
    • EDGC6212: Diagnosis & Counselling First Steps
    • EDGC6214: Career Development
  3. One Elective Course
    • EDSE6001: Nature and Needs of Exceptionalities, or
    • Any other course approved by the school

For more information, contact:

Postgrad Unit - School of Education

E-mail:; Phone: (868) 662-2002 Exts.: 83822 & 82227; Fax: (868) 662-6615

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