
Institutional accreditation refers to the process of assessing the operations of our university. It ensures that we meet and exceed the criteria for quality in higher education. Here, we detail our approach, our ongoing efforts, and our strategies for achieving excellence.

Accreditation ensures that The UWI St. Augustine continues to offer programmes and services of the highest quality.

It reaffirms our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, impacting positively on our students’ educational and professional futures.

For our key stakeholders, the advantages of accreditation are clear and impactful:

  • Our Students are assured that the value of their degree continues to be recognized globally.
  • Our Faculty and Staff experience an environment that enriches their capacity for professional growth and resource enhancement.
  • Alumni and Partners are proud of the prestige and recognition their affiliation with The UWI St. Augustine affords them.

Our current accreditation cycle began in 2024 and will conclude with ACTTs decision. You can explore these steps here.