Working Groups
Specialized Focus for Broad Impact
The self-study working groups have been convened to ensure that the Campus fulfils the key criteria set by the ACTT for assessing institutional quality. These groups, comprising staff and student guild representatives, evaluate specific areas such as teaching and learning, governance, research and continuous improvement.
By assessing the strengths and areas for improvement in these focused areas, the groups are able to make recommendations for quality enhancement.
Working Group 1:
Mission and Purpose
The institution’s mission and purpose are appropriate to tertiary education and consistent with the policies and practices that guide its operations.
Working Group Chair
Dr Acolla Cameron-Lewis
Working Group Members:
- Dr Brian Cockburn (Deputy Chair)
- Ms Allison Dolland
- Mrs Debra Coryat-Patton
- Dr Farid Youssuf
- Mr Rajesh Kandhai
- Mrs Wynell Gregorio
Working Group 2:
Governance and Administration
The institution’s system of governance ensures ethical decision-making and efficient provision of human, material and financial resources to effectively accomplish its educational and other purposes.
Working Group Chair
Mrs Camille Ramcharan
Working Group Members:
- Ms Nardia Thomas-Allain (Deputy Chair)
- Mrs Coreen Copland-Campbell
- Mrs Deborah Souza-Okpofabri
- Mrs Heather Alexis
- Mrs Michelle Newallo
- Professor Rahul Naidu
- Mr Vedanand Hargobin
- Ms Zuwena Williams
Working Group 3:
Teaching and Learning
The institution provides evidence of student learning outcomes and faculty effectiveness in achieving its educational purpose and demonstrates the capability to continue to do so.
Working Group Chair
Dr Leroy Hill
Working Group Members:
- Dr Denise Beckles (Deputy Chair)
- Mr Arman Sahadeo
- Ms Avril Reid
- Dr Bephyer Parey
- Dr Charisse Griffith-Charles
- Dr Justin Zephyine
- Mr Marc Garcia
- Dr Susan Herbert
Working Group 4:
Preparedness for Change
The institution’s human, material and financial resources are strategically allocated and employed to respond to the social and economic demands of a rapidly changing global society.
Working Group Chair:
Mr Daren Dhoray
Working Group Members:
- Dr Camille Samuel (Outgoing Chair)
- Dr Bephyer Parey
- Mrs Cheryle Dubay-Tewarie
- Mr Dave Sahadeo
- Ms Giselle Cha
- Ms Imani Charles
- Mr Jason Dhun
- Mrs Michelle Newallo
Working Group 5:
Commitment to Continuous Improvement
The institution monitors, reviews and improves its Quality Management System through effective planning and evaluation, sustained effort and commitment to quality.
Working Group Chair
Dr Dianne Thurab-Nkhosi
Working Group Members:
- Professor Rohanie Maharaj (Deputy Chair)
- Ms Deniece St. Louis
- Dr Jacqueline Bridge
- Ms Melissa Berkley
- Professor Michael Sutherland
- Dr Sephra Rampersad
- Mr Vedanand Hargobin
Working Group 6:
Graduate Studies Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The institution strives to maintain its role as a national, regional and international centre for graduate education, excellence in research, knowledge creation, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Working Group Chair
Professor Duraisamy Saravanakumar
Working Group Members:
- Dr Graham King (Deputy Chair)
- Ms Amaris Skeete
- Mr Arnold Manniram
- Mr Joel Jordan
- Mr Julian Henry
- Ms Mercedes Archer
- Professor Mark Wuddivira