Frequently Asked Questions


1.  What is the difference between applying to versus registering for a programme?


Applying to a programme refers to: 

  • candidates seeking first time enrolment
  • candidates seeking re-entry (eg. Voluntarily Withdrawn or Required to Withdraw students)


Registering for a programme pertains to:

  • candidates approved for admission into a programme registering for courses
  • students continuing their registration as an active student. 


2.  What are the entry requirements to start a postgraudate programme?


Please refer to our entry requirements page.


3.  What graduate programmes are offered for this Academic Year?


Programmes currently being offered can be found here


4.  What is the application fee?


The NON-REFUNDABLE application processing fee must be paid through our Application Portal as follows:

  1. Trinidad and Tobago Nationals: TT $90.00
  2. Non-Trinidad and Tobago Nationals: TT $204.00


5.  How do I apply for a postgraduate degree?


Learn How to Apply here.  


6.  What documents do I need to apply for a postgraduate programme?


You can check the list of required documents here. 


7.  I submitted my application for a postgraduate programme, what is my next step?


Log in to view the progress of your application here


8.  Can I apply for more than one programme?


No.  Only one application will be considered at a time. 


9.  Can I switch my application?


Yes.  You can email us at stating which programme you applied to and what is your preferred choice now. This is however subject to whether the switch can be facilitated at the time of your request. 


10.  I applied last year but did not take up my offer, do I have to re-apply?


Yes.  You will be required to submit a new application and pay the relevant application fees. 


11.  Where can I get forms to apply for postgraduate programmes?


The application process is electronic (online). Learn How to Apply here.


12.  I tried to apply for a programme but that option is not coming up, why?

  • The programme is not being offered for the upcoming Academic Year. You can check the list of offered programmes here.
  • The application period has not opened/has closed for it. Check with the Department responsible for the programme or our Office for more information.

13.  Why was my application not accepted?

Your application may not have been accepted for any of these reasons:

  • the programme was oversubscribed.
  • your application did not satisfy the entry requirements.
  • your research proposal could not be accommodated.


Financial queries regarding postgraduate studies are to be directed to the Student Accounts Section, The Bursary, Ground Floor, Student Administration Building.

Phone: 1-868-662-2002 Exts: 82137, 82356, 83370, 83379-83382, 84173-84176, 84179-84182, 82143

The Office of Graduate Studies & Research is not authorised to discuss or advise applicants or students on financial matters with the exception of scholarships and funding for MPhil/PhD candidates.

Any other questions regarding postgraduate matters should be directed to the Staff of the Office of Graduate Studies and Research via e-mail | Live Chat | Call us: 1-868-662-2002 Exts. 83064 / 82613 / 82209.