UWI St. Augustine - Kamau Brathwaite Postgraduate Bursary (2024-2025) (OPEN)

Deadline date:  Extended to October 30, 2024 

  • This Bursary  is for new incoming MA Cultural Studies, MA Literatures in English or new incoming MFA Creative Writing Students only
  • Completed Bursary applications are to be forwarded to pgscholarships@sta.uwi.edu
  • Additional particulars are indicated in the advertisement here.
  • Link for the: Projected Income Statement (Your application will not be considered if this statement is not thoroughly completed) 


UWI St. Augustine – Teacher’s Credit Union (TCU) - Carol Keller - School of Education Postgraduate Bursary (2024-2025) - (OPEN)

Deadline date:  Extended to October 30, 2024 

  • This Bursary is for new incoming and returning / continuing M.Ed. and M.Phil. Education Students only
  • Completed Bursary applications are to be forwarded to pgscholarships@sta.uwi.edu
  • Additional particulars are indicated in the advertisement here.


Trevor Boopsingh - National Gas Company (NGC) Energy Bursary (2024-2025) - (OPEN)

Deadline date: October 30, 2024

Complined Bursary applications and supporting documents are to be submitted via email to: pgscholarships@sta.uwi.edu. Particulars are indicated in the advertisement Click Here

  • This Bursary is for students pursuing M.Sc., M.Phil., or Ph.D. degrees in:

  1. Faculty of Engineering
  2. Faculty of Science and Technology
  3. Faculty of Food and Agriculture


The De La Rue Currency Scholarship (Offered by the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago) -  (OPEN)

Deadline date: October 18, 2024

  • Completed scholarship applications are to be forwarded directly to the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago. The particulars are indicated in the advertisement here.


CLOSED Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships (UWI postgraduate, Eric Williams and Elsa Goveia) (2024-2025) Deadline Date: (CLOSED) 

  • Graduate Scholarship Applications (UWI Postgraduate, Eric Williams and Elsa Goveia Scholarships) are being invited for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Kindly refer to the advertisement under the forms and documents section.  The deadline date for the receipt of applications is May 15, 2024.

  • In the event your suppporting documents are too large, kindly upload to your official UWI Student OneDrive account and share the link with pgscholarships@sta.uwi.edu

  • A Referee should email their referee reports to pgscholarships@sta.uwi.edu. The advert below provides some additional information.

  • Documents should not be hand delivered or posted/mailed at this time.

Forms and Documents:

NOTE: Current UWI Postgraduate award holders can review information below in relation to requesting emoluments and extension of scholarships


The UWI Global Giving Bursary (2024-2025) Deadline date: June 28, 2024 (CLOSED)

The Bursary is open only to Nationals of Trinidad and Tobago registered in any Faculty at the UWI St. Augustine Campus. 

  • Applicable to All Postgraduate Students
  • Student must provide verifiable evidence that they have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Awards are based on Financial Need and Academic Performance (with a B Grade average minimum)
  • Advertisement & UWI Global Giving Bursary Application Form click here
  • Submission of a Projected Income Statement (Your application will not be considered if this statement is not thoroughly completed) 
  • Completed Bursary applications and supporting documents are to be fowarded to: pgscholarships@sta.uwi.edu


The UWI Engineering Student Society Bursary (2024-2025) Deadline date: June 28, 2024 (CLOSED)

The Bursary is open only to ALL registered/currently enrolled Postgraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering at the UWI St. Augustine Campus. 

  • Awards are based on Financial Need and Academic Performance
  • Advertisement & UWI Engineering Student Society Bursary Application Form click here. 
  • Link for the : Projected Income Statement (Your application will not be considered if this statement is not thoroughly completed) 
  • Completed applications and support documents are to be fowarded to: pgscholarships@sta.uwi.edu


UWI Guild Diamond Jubilee Postgraduate Bursary 2023-24  Deadline date:  October 15, 2023 (CLOSED)

Completed Bursary applications and supporting documents are to be fowarded to: pgscholarships@sta.uwi.edu. Particulars are indicated on the advertisement here

  • This Bursary is open to ALL registered postgraduate local, regional and international students at the UWI St. Augustine Campus. Registered students could be enrolled in any Year and or Level (e.g. PG Dip, Taught Masters and Research Degrees) of postgraduate study

  • Projected Income Statement


The De La Rue Currency Scholarship (Offered by the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago) - Deadline Date: (CLOSED)

  • Completed scholarship applications are to be forwarded directly to the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago. The particulars are indicated in the advertisement here.


Partnership Scholarships for External Universities - (CLOSED)

McCall MacBain Scholarships – For fully funded master’s or professional degree at McGill University with effect from September 2025 

  • The McCall MacBain Scholarship Application Process has two (2) Phases :

    • Phase #1 -NB: You will first be required to submit a pre screening scholarship application and supporting documents to the UWI St Augustine Campus for shortlisting and nomination by the UWI St Augustine campus on or before June 6, 2024. (UWI St. Augustine Prescreen Scholarship Application & Guidelines)
    • Phase #2-NB: You will be required to submit a separate scholarship application to the McCall Mac Bain Scholarship on the McGill website (https://mccallmacbainscholars.org/apply/ )provided that you are nominated by the UWI St Augustine campus. (You will be informed of the outcome of your pre-screen application via email).  The McCall MacBain Scholarship Applications opens in June 2024 and closes August 21, 2024..  website: https://mccallmacbainscholars.org/resources

Kindly note the following: 

  • This Call for the Mc Call Mac Bain Scholarship Applications is for the September 2024 Mc Gill University, Canada admission.  
  • The McCall MacBain scholarship application is separate from and earlier than McGill graduate degree admissions.
  • Submit your degree application directly to McGill University, Canada by the respective deadline dates.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to research their degree programmes on the website and apply accordingly. NB: programme admission timelines and requirements vary.  Applicants must also meet the requirements for the McGill degree programme(s) they list in their scholarship application. Website: https://mccallmacbainscholars.org/program/#degrees


Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM), Caribbean Small Island Developing States - PISLM-CSIDS SOILCARE-UWI POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP - (CLOSED)

  • Scholarship applications can be accessed at www.pislmsids.org .  The completed application form and supporting documents should be emailed to info@pislmsids.org. The particulars are indicated in the advertisement here. For the application form here
  • Kindly contact Dr. Gaius Eudoxie, Department of Food Production for assistance with the research proposal for this scholarship at gaius.eudoxie@sta.uwi.edu or via phone (868) -662-2002 ext. 83786/83322.


Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility​ - CCRIF-UWI Scholarship and Internship Programmes 2023 - (CLOSED)


Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries Bursary: (CLOSED)