Faculty Entry Requirements - Medical Sciences
Visit the web site of the UWI St. Augustine Faculty of Medical SciencesNOTE 1:
Candidates are not permitted to transfer to other programmes within the Faculty
In addition to satisfying the above criteria, applicants must also meet the prevailing score established by the Faculty of Medical Sciences
University & Faculty Entry Requirements
Passes in five (5) subjects at CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I-II pre-1998 and Grades I-III from 1998) or GCE O-level or BGCSE [Grades A-C] or approved equivalents, which must include English Language, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics.
Age Requirement
For Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – Applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time of admission or by December 31 of the year of entry.
Special Programme Requirements
Faculty / Departmental Entry Requirements
M.B.B.S.; D.D.S. and D.V.M.
a) Passes in both units of Chemistry, Biology and any other subject at CAPE Units [I & II] or A-level or approved equivalent.
b) Passes at levels I & II in Chemistry, Biology and any other subject at N1 (Faculty of Pure & Applied Sciences/Science &Technology).
1. A triple major Associate Degree in Science from an approved Community College with a Grade Point Average greater than 3.5 is considered acceptable for entry into the M.B.B.S. and D.D.S. programmes.
2. A triple major Associate Degree in Sciences (Chemistry, Biology and a third subject) with a Grade Point Average greater than 2.5 from an approved Community College is the minimum academic standard acceptable for entry into the D.V.M. programme. Mathematics and Physics must have been passed at least at the CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency GCE O-level, BGCSE or approved equivalent qualifications.
3. Transfer applicants to Medical Sciences from the Faculties of Science & Technology of The UWI, may be considered on completion of the Preliminary and/or Introductory years of the programme. All such applicants must complete and submit transfer forms, autobiographical sketches, and certified evidence of their involvement in co-curricular activities ONLY by the second Friday in January of the year of application. The academic standard for entry will be based on a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.5 with a minimum Grade of B in Chemistry, Biology and one other subject. If the third subject is not Physics, Physics must have been passed at the CSEC (CXC)/GCE O-level/ BGCSE or approved equivalent qualifications
4. Persons holding first degrees from The UWI's Faculty of Science & Technology/Pure and Applied Sciences/Science & Agriculture/Food & Agriculture with a minimum of lower second class honours may be considered for entry. The academic standard for entry will be based on the cumulative Grade Point Average and performance in Chemistry, Biology and one other subject. If the third subject is not Physics, Physics must have been passed at the CSEC (CXC)/GCE O-level/BGCSE.
5. Persons who have completed the first two years of a 4-year degree programme at a university acceptable to the University of the West Indies will be considered for entry into the D.V.M. programme. The academic standard for entry will be based on the cumulative Grade Point Average and performance in Chemistry and Biology with a minimum Grade Point Average greater than 2.5. Mathematics and Physics must have been passed at least at the CSEC/CXC General Proficiency, O-level/BGCSE or equivalent foreign examinations
6. Applicants with first degrees other than degrees in the natural sciences will also be considered provided that:
- The university which granted the degree is recognized as competitive
- A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or its equivalent has been obtained
- Credits have been obtained in Chemistry and Biology and one other subject over two semesters during their university programme OR at least Grades I/II passes in Chemistry and Biology at Units I & II CAPE or GCE A'level or approved equivalent.
7. Applicants with a BSc Pharmacy degree are not usually eligible for entry into the MBBS programme. BSc Pharmacy UWI graduates are accorded a special dispensation under certain conditions:
a. BSc Pharmacy graduates/applicants must have completed the programme at least one (1) year prior to application/admission to the MBBS programme.
b. The number of such persons accepted will be limited to a maximum of the top three (3) applicants, based on the final cumulative GPA, and must have achieved First Class Honours.
8. Applicants from the Pre-Health Professions Programme may also be considered for entry provided that they have attained a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average [GPA] of 3.0 and a minimum grade of B in each the appropriate science subjects.
Non-Academic Considerations:
a) All candidates applying to the MBBS, DDS and DVM programmes are required to submit a short (250-300 words) autobiographic sketch outlining the reasons for their career choice.
b) Using the form Non-Academic Criteria for Selection to the Faculty of Medical Sciences [Supplemental Sheet 2], candidates must provide, no later than June 30 of the year of entry, evidence of their involvement in relevant extracurricular/ co-curricular activities, socially-oriented projects and voluntary community service for a minimum of six (6) months.
- The information provided must be certified by appropriate authorities from the organization and also by the authorities from the School/College/ University.
- Both the duration of involvement and level of responsibility of the applicant in each activity shall be taken into consideration and certified documents must state these clearly.
DVM Accelerated Programme:
Applicants holding a Bachelor's Degree from a university acceptable to the University of the West Indies with at least a Lower Second Class Honours standing or its equivalent will be considered for entry into Year 1 of the degree programme.
The applicant must have successfully completed Animal Production (9 credits), Biochemistry (6 credits) and Statistics (2 credits) level 1 courses.
BSc. Pharmacy
- Passes in at least five subjects at CSEC/(CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I–II pre-1998; Grades I–III from 1998) or GCE O-level or BGCSE, or approved equivalents, which must include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
- At minimum, a Grade II in CAPE Units I & II or “C†in Chemistry GCE A-level, plus one other from Biology, Physics or Mathematics in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE/GCE A-level) or approved equivalent.
- All BSc Pharmacy applicants must submit a letter of acceptance from their local Pharmacy Board in their country of residence.
- Special admission is available to practicing pharmacists who wish to upgrade from diploma to degree – as part-time mature students to the Accelerated BSc Programme (Mixed Mode Delivery).
BSc Pharmacy - Mixed Mode Delivery:
Suitably qualified persons for admission to the part-time programme for non-degree pharmacists to upgrade to the Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.
Duration of Study and Special Requirements
The programme extends over a minimum period of six (6) semesters of part time study for persons who satisfy the following criteria:-
1. Registered Pharmacists
2. Holders of a diploma/certificate/associate degree in Pharmacy
General Requirements
Applicants for admission to this course of study will be required to satisfy the minimum standards for entry to the degree programme as set out by the University Regulations governing matriculation as well as the special requirement of the Faculty.
Programme Delivery
The programme will be delivered by a mixed-mode. Most didactic lectures will be delivered by an internet-based platform. Students will be expected to attend the School of Pharmacy during a single 2-week period in June/July to complete practical/ laboratory sessions. Clinical instruction will be completed at approved practicum sites throughout the Caribbean.
BSc Nursing (Post RN)
With specialization in one of the following areas:-
- Administration
- Education
- Oncology
- School Nursing
- Passes in at least two (2) subjects at CAPE or GCE A-level or approved equivalents
- Passes in at least five (5) subjects at CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency or GCE O'level /BGCSE or approved equivalents,
- Passes in four (4) GCE subjects or approved equivalents, of which at least three (3) must be at the A-level or equivalent
- Candidates should:
- Candidates with Certificates, Diplomas or Associate degrees with a grade lower than the approved grade, upon recommendation from the registration body or equivalent authority, if approved for entry, will be required to write a challenge examination.
- Candidates with additional post-basic qualifications in Nursing from programmes offered by UWI, or other recognised tertiary level institutions may be considered for admission on a preferential basis, but must have obtained a minimum B grade in major course components of their post-basic training.
- Provisional acceptance may be offered in the case of other entry requirements subject to the approval of an Advisory Committee
I. have a basic or general qualification in Nursing such as a Certificate, Diploma or Associate degree with a minimum passing grade of B or its approved equivalent
II. be a Registered Nurse
III. have a minimum of three (3) years post-registration experience as a practising nurse
BSc Nursing
This programme is offered FULL TIME over four (4) years.
Entry Requirements:- Five (5) CSEC (CXC) subjects which must include English, Mathematics or Physics, Biology or Human and Social Biology or Integrated Science plus any other two (2) subjects at General Proficiency level [Grades I and II pre-1998 and Grades I, II or III from June 1998] or GCE O'level or approved equivalent qualification.
- Be 17 years of age or older
- Submit a medical certificate (physical, dental and ophthalmic) as per University Regulations.
- Attend an interview and satisfy the selection committee regarding suitability for entrance to the nursing education programme.
In addition to the above requirements, applicants must:
Persons who are 25 years or older must demonstrate their potential for university studies by virtue of attainments, prior learning, and/or relevant work experience, all of which must be relevant to the proposed programme of study. The Application must be supported by letters of recommendation from individuals with firsthand knowledge of the applicants' potential. Mature entry candidates may also be required to sit and pass designated proficiency tests administered by the School
Bachelor of Science in Optometry (Full Time only)
Candidates must satisfy the University matriculation requirements as well as possess the following:
- Passes in CSEC (CXC) in English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics at General Proficiency level [Grades I, II pre- 1998 and Grades I, II or III from June 1998] or GCE O'level or approved equivalent qualifications.
- Passes in both Units (Grade II or above) of Chemistry, Physics and one (1) other subject at CAPE or GCE a-level or approved equivalent;
- An appropriate Associate Degree or equivalent certification with a minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent, from a recognized Tertiary Level Institution
- Any other appropriate qualification and experience acceptable to The University of the West Indies.
BSc in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy
This programme is offered FULL TIME ONLY over four (4) years, inclusive of one (1) year internship.
Entry Requirements:- Five (5) CSEC (CXC) subjects which must include English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry or Physics at General Proficiency level [Grades I and II pre-1998 and Grades I, II or III from June 1998] or GCE O'level or approves equivalent qualification.
- Passes in two 2-unit subjects at CAPE which must include Chemistry and Biology at Grade II or better, or GCE A-levels or approved equivalent qualifications.
- A BSc degree with a Major in Biology or Chemistry or Physics.
- A Dental Assistant's Certificate would be an asset.
- First Aid or CPR certification, and
- Vaccination for Hepatitis B, Tetanus and a Mantoux test
- Experience as a Dental Assistant for 8-11 years.
In addition to these requirements, qualifying applicants must provide proof of the following:
Pre-Health Professions Programme
(Regional, International and Tobago students ONLY)This programme is designed to prepare applicants, who are currently unable to meet the requirements for matriculation, with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for the degree programme at the UWI, Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMS), St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad & Tobago W.I. The programme is open to international/ regional students and citizens of Tobago only.
It is a 36 credit programme consisting of five courses delivered in modules – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. Upon successful completion of the 36 credits of the Pre-Health Professions Programme with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a minimum grade of B in each of the appropriate science subjects, students are guaranteed entry into one of the regular degree programmes at the UWI St. Augustine Campus.
Minimum Requirements for Admission to the Pre-Health Professions Programme- Candidates should have a high school (Grade 12 matriculation) diploma with a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0 including Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and English.
- Alternatively, candidates should have five GCE O'level/BGCSE with A, B and C Grades or CSEC/(CXC) General Proficiency with Grades I–III or European equivalents in the same subjects.
- Consideration will be given to students transferring from other fields to the health professions.