Call for papers

Areas of interest for the conference include but are not limited to papers
which investigate the :

  • Relationship between tourism, culture and the creative industries
  • Impacts of tourism, culture and the creative industries
    (eg. economic, environmental, socio-cultural, political; measurement tools)
  • Theoretical or methodological developments in tourism, culture and the creative industries
  • Cultural entrepreneurship
  • Tourism and Festivals/Events (eg. greening of festivals and cultural events, festival tourism)
  • Tourism and Screen Production and Radio
    (eg. film,television, video and digital media).
  • Tourism and Music
  • Tourism and the Performing Arts (eg. theatre, dance, concerts, etc.)
  • Tourism and Visual Arts, Crafts and Photography
  • Tourism and Design
    (eg. graphic design, architecture, advertising and designer fashion)
  • Tourism and Culture and Heritage
  • Tourism and Publishing (eg. books, periodicals and newspapers)
  • Trade protocols of the CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with respect to Tourism and the Cultural Industries
  • Policy and Planning Framework
    (eg. research methodology, education and training)
  • Legislative and Regulatory Framework
  • Safeguarding intellectual property rights

Participants are allowed to submit entire panels for consideration with the names of the papers and/or issues or themes to be discussed.


Participants are invited to make other forms of presentations besides papers such as film and exhibitions that incorporate other digital media forms.


Submission Guidelines:

  • Selection of papers will be based on abstract submissions. Working papers will also be accepted. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words, 1.5 space, typed pages.
  • Selection of panels, film and exhibitions will be based on an outline/overview of the item(s). Outlines should not exceed 500 words, 1.5 space, typed pages.
  • Indicate the author's name, affiliation and contact information (phone number and email address) only on the cover page of the abstract. Only the primary author will be notified regarding the outcome of the paper review process.
  • Submit abstracts to the Conference Co-ordinator,
    Dr. Acolla Lewis-Cameron
  • Only original manuscripts not previously published or presented at another conference/forum should be submitted.
  • For all accepted paper presentations, at least one (1) of the authors must register for and present the paper at the Conference.

Full Paper Submission Guidelines

  • The paper must be formatted for A4 size
  • Use Times New Roman Font Type, 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing, justified, page margins: 2.5 cm.
  • All manuscripts must be prepared in English and free of grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Please make sure your paper is thoroughly edited and proof read before submission.
  • All manuscripts must be the original work not yet submitted to any other journals or publications prior to the Conference
  • Please submit this full paper version as a WORD or PDF file
  • No page numbering
  • The paper length is limited to up to 5,000 words not including Tables and References.
  • References should be placed at the end of the manuscript on a separate page, arranged in alphabetical order. Follow Chicago guidelines set forth in their latest Publication Manual for text and reference list citations

* Your Name
Your Department’s Name
Your Organization (University’s) Name
Your co-author’s name
Your co-author’s Department Name
Your co-author’s Organization (University’s) Name and Your co-author’s name
Your co-author’s Department Name
Your co-author’s Organization (University’s) Name
[Mark * in front of the name of the presenting author]

Papers presented at this conference will be considered for publication in one of the following journals

  • London Journal of Tourism, Sport and the Creative Industries

  • Tourism, Culture and Communication

Please follow the submission guidelines specific to the desired journal for publication


Please note that full paper submission is required for those delegates who wish to be considered for publication otherwise only a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation is needed.

Submit papers by email to the Conference Co-ordinator,
Dr. Acolla Lewis-Cameron