
Feature Speaker

Mr. Euric Bobb– Former Governor of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago  

Session 1: Review of the Economy

Chair – Mr. Gregory McGuire

Mr. Burt van Selm  – Overview of the International Economy

Mr. Michael Hendrickson   –  Overview of the Regional Economy

Dr. Roger Hosein  Overview of the National Economy

Session 2: Poverty & Income Distribution

Chair – Dr. Daren Conrad

Dr. Dylan Kerrigan Prejudice against the poor

Mr. Timothy Woolford & Mr. Martin Franklin - Meaning and Measurement of Social Cohesion in a Caribbean Contex

Mr. Keron Victor & Dr. Ralph Henry  – Urbanization and Entrepreneurship in the African Diaspora in the US and Caribbean

Session 3: Health & Poverty

Chair: Mrs. Patrica Edwards-Wescott

Dr. Henry Bailey & Dr. Althea La Foucade - Rationing in Healthcare – Whether We Know it or Not. The Case for Explicit Prioritization. 

Mrs. Roxanne Brizan & Dr. Althea La Foucade - Healthcare Access Inequities: Multi-Island Micro Caribbean States.

Prof. Karl Theodore and Ms. Charmaine Metivier - Chronic Disease Assistance Programmes in Trinidad and Tobago:  Stakeholders’ Perspective.

Dr. Henry Bailey - A Cost Utility Analysis Framework for Prioritization of Health Programmes:  Based on Societal Preferences from Trinidad and Tobago.

Session 4: Education & Human Resource Development

Chair – Ms. Vanessa Baird  

Dr. Nicole Smith - Personality, early childhood development and the labor market

Dr. Daren Conrad - Education & Human Resource Development: Where is the Caribbean in Relation to Other Countries?

Ms. Nisa Seupaul - Education and Human Resource Development


Session 5:  Poverty & Sustainable Livelihood

Chair – Dr. Kevin Williams

Mr. Sean Scott & Dr. Roger Hosein - Community Based Ecotourism and Poverty Alleviation in Grande Riviere

Ms. Sherry Ann Ganase & Dr. Sandra SookramAssessing The Vulnerability Level In Coastal Communities In The Caribbean: A Case Study of San Pedro, Belize

Ms. Donna Ramjattan -The Poverty-Environment Nexus in the context of two Caribbean islands


Session 6: Pursuing Diversification in an Export –led Development Thrust

Chair – Dr. Regan Deonanan

Ms. Aisha Stewart - Export Potential of the Services Sector

Ms. Elizabeth Ince & Dr. Roger Hosein - The Dutch Disease and Domestic Agriculture - Food Security in a small petroleum exporting economy

Mrs. Indera Sagewan Ali  – Doing Diversification Differently


Session 7: Deepening Caribbean Regional Integration in the Eclipse of the North Atlantic

Chair – Dr. Anne Marie Mohammed

Dr. Regan Deonanan - Business Cycle Symmetry in the Caribbean - Is CSME a feasible Optimum Currency Area

Ms. Ranita Seecharan & Dr. Roger HoseinAn assessment of CARICOM’s extra regional

intra industry trade (IIT): A panel data approach

Dr. Annita Montoute - Shifting relations, New players: The Future of Caribbean Regional Integration