The I.A.C.A. is a group of professional and amateur archaeologists
and interested individuals from the Caribbean and overseas who work,
or have an interest, in the archaeology of the Caribbean. Our area
includes not only the Greater and Lesser Antilles but countries
bordering the Caribbean, whose prehistoric and historic cultures
often interrelate with those of the islands. Following a first Congress
in Martinique in 1961, an Association was founded by the Rev. Pere
Pinchon and Dr. Jacques Petitjean Roget in 1962. It was formerly
called the Ïnternational Association for the Study of Pre-Columbian
Cultures of the Lesser Antilles";
it was incorporated in 1985 and the name was changed to "The
International Association for Caribbean Archaeology".
corresponding titles in French and Spanish are respectively "Association
Internationale d' Archeologie de la Caraibe' (A.I.A.C.) and "Association
Internacional de Arqueologia del Caribe" (A.I.A.C.). The Association
aims to promote good management of Caribbean archaeology at both
the local and regional level. We support preservation of sites and
responsible archaeology throughout the region, and act as a point
of contact for archaeologists. Congresses are held every two years
in different Caribbean locations, and the Proceedings of the Congresses
are published. A newsletter is published at 6-month intervals.
also publish a Directory of Caribbean Archaeologists.