High Performance Computing Research Lab

(formerly Parallel Architecture and Dataflow Laboratory)

The High Performance and Computing Research Lab undertakes research in hardware and software for high performance architectures, multiprocessors and parallel programming.  With Dr. Ajay Joshi as Principal Investigator, the lab forms the core of the University of the West Indies' NVIDIA GPU Center. 




EV Working Group

Headed by Prof. Sanjay Bahadoorsingh and supported by Mr. Andrew Balgobin, the EV Working Group undertakes research into the dynamic effects of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging on small island power distribution networks. Ongoing work employs statistical methods and simulation to assess the steady state performance, transient performance and operational limits of a select distribution network in response to increasing EV charging loads. The next stage of this research is the simulation, analysis and implementation of coordinated strategies to mitigate adverse effects on electrical infrastructure and quality of supply.




Intelligent Systems Lab

The Intelligent Systems lab focuses on developing machine learning/reasoning, intelligent control algorithms and AI-enabled software for a range of domains. The group is currently lead by  Dr Craig Ramlal (https://craigramlal.com) and is partnered with researchers from Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA and Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea. The group focusses on novel AI and intelligent control strategies, AI safety in multi-agent systems, attack resiliency in cyber-physical systems, robotic systems, and AI-enabling digital twin, high fidelity simulation, industrial operating systems and SCADA software.  





Sport Engineering Group

The Sports Engineering (SportENG) Group at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of the West Indies (UWI) is a research group formed under the guidance of Dr. Akash Pooransingh, Dr. Daniel Ringis and Dr. Sean Rocke. The mission of the Group is to build regional awareness and capacity and to leverage core competencies in engineering, applied science, signal processing, biotechnology, ICT and data analytics to meet the needs of elite athletes within the Caribbean region.





Caribbean ICT Research Programme (CIRP)

The Caribbean ICT Research Programme comprises a skilled team of talented individuals ranging from web development to software engineering lead by Dr. Kim Mallalieu.  The group undertakes multidisciplinary action research with an emphasis on building the resilience of underserved populations. Research foci include wireless and marine communications; telecommunications policy and regulation; knowledge and information science; human learning; and science and innovation for development. Interventions focus on integrated, context-appropriate mobile and web application suites in support of livelihoods, personal safety and empowerment. At this time, the small scale fisheries sector is the focal point for CIRP action research.


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