
The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Telephone: (868)-662-2002 ext. 82636
Room No: 321

Email: Akash.Pooransingh@sta.uwi.edu

Dr. Akash Pooransingh joined the department in 2002. He completed his MSc in 2005 in Communication Systems with distinction with a research project in Image Processing. This project was conducted at the Sigmedia Laboratory (http://www.sigmedia.tv/), Trinity College in Dubin, Ireland under the supervision of Prof. Anil Kokaram. He completed his PhD in 2012 and conducts active research in the areas of video and audio processing with a special interest in sport engineering.

Sport Engineering Group website.


  • BSc (Eng) (Hons), MSc (Distinction) (UWI), PhD (UWI)