Instructor I

The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Telephone: (868)-662-2002 ext. 82676
Room No: 010 (ECNG Lab)


Andrew Balgobin gained both his B.Sc. and MASc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of the West Indies. His research focuses on Power Systems Design and Analysis specifically in Electric Vehicle and Renewable Energy Grid Integration. He is a prominent member and coordinator of the EV Working Group in the department. This group undertakes research into the dynamic effects of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging on small island power distribution networks. His ongoing work employs statistical methods and simulation to assess the steady state performance, transient performance and operational limits of a select distribution network in response to increasing EV charging loads. The next stage of this research is the simulation, analysis and implementation of coordinated strategies to mitigate adverse effects on electrical infrastructure and quality of supply.


  • BSc. (Hons.) MASc. (Dist.) (UWI)