Trevor Townsend
Senior Lecturer
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
St. Augustine
Trinidad and Tobago
Telephone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 83439
Dr. Townsend is currently the Senior Lecturer in Transportation Engineering in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, University of the West Indies. He has worked in both the public and private sectors during his career. An engineer by training, he has worked extensively in the areas of traffic, public transportation and public policy with regard to infrastructural development. Over the last twenty years, Dr. Townsend has been engaged as a private consultant on a number of transportation policy & planning and traffic impact assessment studies. For the period 1998 to 2014 he worked in manufacturing as a Chief Executive Officer dealing with the challenges of sustaining small and medium sized manufacturing companies in today’s competitive global environment. Dr. Townsend has served as a member of the Boards of two state enterprises, the National Insurance Property Development Company and the National Infrastructure Development Company. He was also a member of the Board of Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers Association from 2005 to 2012 and served as a Vice President and Chairman of the Port, Transport & Logistics Committee. He is also a former member of the Executive Council of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad & Tobago. In this regard he was one of the council members who drafted and publicly advocated the Association’s position with regard to the proposed Trinidad Rapid Rail Project. He is currently chairman of the APETT Transportation Sub-Committee advocating for improved transportation systems management and the development of BRT solutions to the country’s traffic and land transportation challenges.
- Ph.D., Transportation Systems Analysis, Department of Civil Engineering (June 1987) Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
- M.Sc. Civil Eng., Major - Transportaion Engineering, Minor - Operations Research (June 1980). University of Manitoba, Canada
- B.Sc., Civil Engineering (First Class Honours) (June 1977).
- PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: Registered Engineer with the Board of Engineering of Trinidad & Tobago. Reg. No. 04-616
SPECIALTIES: Transit Policy and Operations, Traffic Management, Econometric modeling, logistics, project planning and quantitative analysis.
Professional Experience
- Senior Lecturer - University of the West Indies, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. (Sept 2014 to Present).
- Chief Exec Officer - Trinidad Aggregate Products Ltd. (April 2002 to Sept 2014)
- Chief Exec Officer - Caribbean Steel Mills Ltd. (September 1998 to March 2002).
- Consultant - (1996 - Present) Traffic and Transportation Engineering Consultant for public and private sector clients.
- General Manager - Chief Executive Officer, Public Transport Service Corporation (1988 August to 1998 September).
- Chief Traffic Engr. - Traffic Management Branch, Ministry of Works & Infrastructure(July 1981 to Sept. 1983 and December 1986 to August 1988).
- Civil Eng. II - Traffic Management Branch (June 1980 to July 1981).
- Civil Eng. I - Ministry of Works, Transport & Communications, Roads Planning Branch (July 1977 to August 1978).
- Research Asst. - Northwestern University, Transportation Center. Assisted Associate Professors on several Transportation Planning research projects (September 1985 to December 1986).
- Research Asst. - University of Manitoba, Dept. of Industrial Research (Sept. 1978 to April 1980). Project for Federal Government of Canada. Examined the effects of a chemical de-icer additive to asphalt pavements.
UWI Service
- Member of the Campus Traffic Consultation Meeting chaired by the Campus Registrar (August 2015 to present).
- Chairman of the APETT Transportation Sub-Committee.
Professional Memberships
- F.APETT Fellow of Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago.
- F.ITE Fellow of Institute of Transportation Engineers.
- F.CIHT Fellow of The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation
- M.ASCE Member American Society of Civil Engineers.
Research Projects
- Utility Based Time Allocation Decisions of Household Members., T. Townsend & F.S. Koppelman. Presented at the 64th. Annual Conference of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 1987.
- Time Allocation Among Household Members: Theory and Analysis., F.S. Koppelman & T.A. Townsend. Presented at the 5th. International Conference on Travel Behaviour, France, 1987.
- Classification and Analysis of the Multi-Day Travel/Activity Patterns of Households and Their Members., T. Townsend. Presented at the 6th. International Conference on Travel Behaviour, Quebec, 1991.
- The Effects of Household Interdependencies on Multi-Day Travel/Activity Behaviour., T. Townsend & F.S. Koppelman. Presented at the 6th. World Conference on Transport Research, Lyon 1992.
- Paratransit - Blessing or Curse? - The Trinidad and Tobago Experience., T. Townsend. Presented at the Symposium on African-American Mobility Issues, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida, Tampa, 1994.
- Traffic Analysis and Planning for the Siparia Urban Center Redevelopment. (2004) The project required the collection and analysis of traffic data, the development of short and medium term traffic forecasts and the design of suitable solutions.
- Sustainable Transportation Development - A Trinidad and Tobago Perspective.
- A Scoping Study & Preparation of Terms of Reference for a ComprehensiveTransportation/Land Use Plan for San Fernando
- Proposals for Traffic Mitigation measures in support of Land Development Applications These projects were done for private clients who had to obtain approvals for development or change of use.
- Traffic Impact Analysis for Multi-story Car Park for proposed Port of Spain Government Campus Plaza. (2004)
Curriculum Vitae
Trevor Townsend Cv.pdf