Start Dates:

September 2023

Study Mode:

Full time:12 Months
Part-Time: 24 Months

About this Programme

This programme aims to provide further training to graduates of the relevant undergraduate programmes offered by the Faculty of Food and Agriculture during a twelve-month course of study as full-time students, or twenty-four (24) months as part time students, that will equip them to:
• become self-employed as entrepreneurs in their own right;
• provide employment for other individuals;
• apply their training to improving the domestic and regional food supply through the production of value added products that, in turn, will increase utilisation of primary agricultural products, provide more secure markets for farmers/primary producers by increasing the demand for raw material for processing, provide products to facilitate import substitution, provide products for export to earn foreign exchange, and ultimately, effect a reduction in the national and regional food import bill, while improving national and regional food and nutrition security.