The University Field Station (UFS) is located at Valsayn – three miles west of the St Augustine Campus and five (5) miles east of Port-of-Spain. It is an irregular 55 acres block of land bounded on the north by the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, in the south by Nestle Trinidad and Tobago Limited, on the east by the St Joseph River and Valsayn Park and on the west by the Uriah Butler Highway North.
The UFS provides technical resources, land, buildings and equipment to support field-based research and teaching of the University of the West Indies. The UFS is essentially the outdoor food lab for the Faculty of Food and Agriculture.
At present, in addition to supporting teaching and research. The operations at the UFS consists of a dairy, goat, pig and poultry units. All out livestock are of the highest quality breeds and are grown naturally and according to the best livestock practices. Our meat products reflect the exceptional quality of our livestock – it’s a distinction you can taste in our product.
Field Trips
The UFS offers field trips to schools, and private organisations. We also facilitate visits from farmers and local entrepreneurs. For further information please contact the UFS administrative office at 663-1483.
Operating Hours
Our Office hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Our Sales Office hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Commercial Activities
The University Field Station undertakes commercial activities whenever possible. The University Field operates a farm to table enterprise. We offer for sale fresh poultry, pork, beef and goat. All our animals are raised using best livestock and are grown naturally without use of artificial growth hormones. The result is a healthier, safer, quality product for you and your family.
The UFS maintains a dairy herd of Holstein and Jersey cows and we have earned a reputation of being a supplier of 100% pure wholesome cow’s milk. Our pasteurised milk is available at the UFS sales office as well as supermarkets throughout the country