School of Education


Dr Debra Ferdinand-James

Research Interests

As an educational technologist (lecturer level) at The UWI, School of Education, St. Augustine, Trinidad and the blended learning champion for this department, Dr Debra Ferdinand-James' research interests include faculty engagement in blended learning, technology-enhanced learning, mixed methods research, curriculum inclusiveness, early career faculty development, quality assurance, and student academic supporting strategies. Debra Ferdinand-James also collaborates, as a member of the Industry 4.0. Task Force, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, with international researchers on joint publications in keeping abreast of technological changes in industry as a TVET/Workforce Development researcher/lecturer and educational technologist..

Selected Publications

Selected Presentations​

Debra Ferdinand-James as an invited Caribbean presenter for IGI Global Webinar Series contributing to dominant narrative on "Diversity" in U.S. higher education (May, 2018)

Debra Ferdinand-James as presenter for “This Works For Me” virtual summit, contributing to practical solutions to student research challenges in higher education (March, 2019)


Selected Research Impact

  • Informing Graduate Research Practice: Shared Research e-Clinics as a practical strategy for supporting the completion of students’ research in “This Works For Me” virtual summit along with other international faculty for helping fellow faculty succeed in finding solutions to student research challenges in higher education. (2019, March)

  • Citation Impact: Citations captured in Google Scholar and most read researcher on ResearchGate from the School of Education, The UWI, St. Augustine Campus and Trinidad and Tobago several times during 2015-2018.

  • CNBST Scale Development: Caribbean member (administered instrument locally) of Research Team led by award winning researcher, Dr. Ekta Sharma, Ahmedabad University, India for validating the Creativity Nurturing Behaviour Scale for Teachers worldwide. The validated instrument would be used by teachers globally. ( August 2018 – present)

  • Informing "Diversity" Practice and Policy: Invited and accepted to be IGI Global Webinar presenter (only one from The UWI) in sharing my dissertation research and published articles relating to student "diversity" on U.S. campuses, contributing to the dominant narrative on topic in U.S. mainstream media. (May, 2018)

  • Informing UWI Graduate Attributes: Asynchronous Debates research, its chhapter contribution published in award winning author's text on "Teaching Naked Techniques ...", was selected by the World Education Day 2018 conference (only one from The UWI) for featuring effective practices in education around the World that focused on using the Asynchronous Debate for developing key UWI graduate student attributes. These Jose Bowen “naked techniques” or effective practices are also taught in faculty workshops in the U.S. in helping to design better classrooms. (September, 2018)

  • Usefulness of Research e-Clinics: These e-clinics qualified for a Campus Research and Publication Fund grant (MPhil student included as research assistant) and was one of 12 finalists for Innovation in Teaching of Research Methodology Excellence Awards15th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business Management, Kingston, U.K on June 9-10, 2016. Feedback from the Research e-Clinics institutionalized and offered to all SOE M.Ed. students from April 2016-present included the following: Your feed-back was indeed helpful. It was on point. It provided a clearer picture on how I should conduct the analysis…; Correct [ed] misconceptionthe feedback aided me to complete the chapter that was causing some difficulty; Dr. Yamin-Ali, SOE Director, feedback: I think your initiative has sparked interest in others about how to do things differently at the SOE. It certainly did for me

  • Academic Writing Product Development: Website developed to host academic writing quizzes emerging as a need from initial research on the e-clinics for helping students to overcome academic writing oversights. (2016-present)

  • Academic Writing Support Services: Proposal approved for offering these services that were identified as needed from the Research e-Clinics but awaits funding. (2016-present)

  • Research e-Clinics Adaptation: E-clinics as a service is being adapted for the Early Career Faculty Initiative in supporting publication efforts of early tenure-track faculty spear-headed by The UWI’s Human Resources Department, St. Augustine Campus. (2016 – present)

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