School of Education


Mrs Petronetta Pierre-Robertson

Research Interests

Petra’s research interests cut across three fields: Literature, Librarianship and Gender Studies at the School of Education (SOE), St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad. As the Indexer/Documentalist of its Caribbean Educational Research & Information Service (CERIS) Unit and editor of its Caribbean Curriculum journal, her research interests include Postmodern Literature, User Training, Online Information Retrieval, Library Management, and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Her publications that also reflect scholarship in post-modern reality can be found in her UWIScholar Profile

Scholarly Publications

  • Pierre-Robertson, P. (2021. “Literature as an Agent of Change”. In Gender and Domestic Violence in theCaribbean. Editors Anne Marie Bissessar and Camille Huggin, (pp. 87 –103). Palgrave McMillan. 
  • Pierre-Robertson, P. (2017). “And Man is Becoming: Exploring what it means to be human against thebackdrop of Avatar, Ghost in the Shell and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. In Caribbean Musings:Narratives of Identity. Editors Nicole Bengochea, Shelly Lyons, Meredith Montrichard and FayWhite, (pp. 166 – 177). Bamboo Talk Press.  
  • Pierre-Robertson, P. (2007). Librarian and Lecturer in partnership: A Caribbean Experience. In C. Peltier Davis and S. Renwick (Eds.), Caribbean Libraries in the 21st Century: Changes, Challenges and Choices. Information Today (pp. 269-277)."

Creative Works / Literary Publications

  • Pierre-Robertson, P. *The Sixth Day. Bamboo Talk Press. 2019 (130p) ISBN 978 10815600171 
  • Pierre-Robertson, P. Lost in the Hills: Bamboo Talk Press. 2019 (109p) ISBN 978 1097439188 
  • Pierre-Robertson, P. *Second Chances. Bamboo Talk Press. 2017 (337p) ISBN 978 976 95610 7 6 
  • Pierre-Robertson, P. *The Uncontrollable Flame. Lifegate Publishing. 2016 (219p) ISBN 978 1941632 06 2 
  • Pierre-Robertson, P. *No Guarantee Lifegate Publishing. 2015 (397p) ISBN 978 1 941632 05 5 

Selected Publication Impact

Petronetta Pierre-Roberson presents on the contextualization of “Second Chances” that reflects post-modern reality in this interview with Prof. Morgan  (September, 2017): (click to view video)

Petronetta presenting "Second Chances" novel to local School Principal after delivering the gradaution ceremony's feature address (July, 2018) 

Petronetta presents "No Guarantee" and "The Uncontrollable Flame" novels at our local National Library and Information System (NALIS) - World Aids Day 2016
