Selected Publications
- Logie, C. (2015). Childrearing Practices, Reflections and Observation. In Childrearing Practices in The Caribbean: Lessons and implications from a National Assessment in Trinidad and Tobago (Eds) (pp.2-12) New York , USA & Chaguanas, Trinidad: Plain Vision Publishing (PVP).
- Logie, C. (2015). Childrearing: The Caribbean Context. In Childrearing Practices in The Caribbean: Lessons and implications from a National Assessment in Trinidad and Tobago (Eds) (pp.14-24) New York , USA & Chaguanas, Trinidad: Plain Vision Publishing (PVP).
- Ramlal, B., Roopnarine, J.L,. Logie, C., Krishnakumar,. A., Narine,. L. (2015). A National Assessment Survey in Trinidad and Tobago: Methodological determinants. In Childrearing Practices in The Caribbean: Lessons and implications from a National Assessment in Trinidad and Tobago (Eds) (pp.28-37) New York , USA & Chaguanas, Trinidad: Plain Vision Publishing (PVP).
- Logie, C., & Roopnarine, J.L,. (2015). Childrearing Practices, Ideas about Childhood Development, Sources of Values and Ethic and Religious: In Childrearing Practices in The Caribbean: Lessons and implications from a National Assessment in Trinidad and Tobago (Eds) (pp.56-71) New York , USA & Chaguanas, Trinidad: Plain Vision Publishing (PVP).
- Logie, C., & Roopnarine, J.L. (2015). (Eds.). Childrearing Practices in the Caribbean: Lessons and Implications from a National Assessment in Trinidad and Tobago. Plain Vision Publishing (PVP): New York , USA & Chaguanas, Trinidad.
- Krishnakumar, A., Narine, L., Roopnarine, J. L., & Logie, C. (2014). Multilevel and cross-level effects of neighborhood and family influences on children’s behavioral outcomes in Trinidad and Tobago: The intervening role of parental control. The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. doi: 10.1007/s10802-014-9852-2.
- Logie, C. (2013). Pedagogical dilemmas and issues affecting early childhood teaching and learning. In C. Logie & J. Roopnarine (Eds.), Issues and perspectives in early childhood development and education in Caribbean countries (pp. 114-142). La Romaine, Trinidad: Caribbean Educational Publishers, Trinidad.
- Logie, C. (2013). Shared leadership among Caribbean early childhood practitioners. In E. Hujala, M. Waniganayake & J. Rodd (Eds.), Researching leadership in early childhood education (pp. 235–254).Tampere: Tampere University Press.
- Logie, C., De Govia, M., Gopaul S., & Boyce S. (2013). A Caribbean early childhood intervention Program. In C. Logie & J. Roopnarine (Eds.), Issues and perspectives in early childhood development and education in Caribbean countries (pp. 193-212). La Romaine, Trinidad: Caribbean Educational Publishers, Trinidad.
- Logie, C., Poon Sung V., Wai Ting,S. (2013). Teachers’ perception of in-service training in Hong Kong, China, and career commitment to the field of early childhood education. International Journal of Early Childhood Education and Care, (2), 80-99. ISSN 2289-3156.
- Logie, C., & Roopnarine, J.L. (2013). (Eds.). Issues and perspectives in early childhood development and education in Caribbean countries. La Romaine, Trinidad: Caribbean Educational Publishers, Trinidad.
- Narine, L., Krishnakumar, A., Roopnarine, J. L., & Logie, C. (2013). A multilevel analysis of the role of parental and community variables on young children’s health. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jst059.
Research Impact
"The Honourable Ayanna Webster-Roy Minister of State in the office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Child Development and Gender Affairs, is presented with a copy of the newly launched book by Editors/Authors Dr. Carol Logie (UWI) and Professor Jaipaul Roopnarine (Syracuse University)"