School of Education

Prof. Jerome De Lisle


St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago


Prof. De Lisle is the Director, School of Education, St. Augustine Campus and the first candidate to be awarded his doctorate at the School of Education (then the Faculty of Education). His thesis was a multivariate mixed methods investigation of the work environment of secondary school teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. In 2007, Prof. De Lisle was awarded a grant from the UWI-Government research fund to study schools facing exceptional challenge. His work led to the creation of the Academic Performance Index, a performance metric used for judging the effectiveness of primary schools based on their performance in the national tests. Prof. DeLisle has also worked continuously with the Division of Educational Research and Evaluation in the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Education since 2003 on the methodology and reporting of national learning assessments, including the current system of performance standards. His current research interests are in high stakes testing, formative assessment, standard setting and whole system change. At present he teaches EDME6121, Evaluation of Educational Institutions, EDME2006, Basic Testing and Evaluation, and EDEA1410, School and Classroom Management.

Link to Prof. De Lisle's Research page

Lecturer in Educational Leadership and Institutional Evaluation
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002/83404