School of Education


Director's Welcome

Welcome to the School of Education! We are proud and thrilled that you have chosen to be part of our dynamic department and by extension, The Faculty of Humanities & Education and The University of the West Indies.

Our vision, here at the School of Education, is to be an institution with an established national, regional and international reputation for excellence in teaching, research and professional development and for leadership in educational change and innovation. It is against this backdrop that I say to you that whether you are beginning or continuing your educational journey with us, we look forward to learning, exploring and growing together. Our school is a hallmark institution. Many of today’s leaders in education, locally & regionally have walked through the same corridors that you will walk through and have sat in the same classrooms you will sit in.  It is our sincere hope that you too will embrace the opportunities for learning, collaborating, inquiring and discovering, and that one day, you will find a place among the esteemed group of responsive and transformational leaders in education in this country and in our region.

We encourage you to question, to step out of the box and to develop innovative ways of thinking and responding to problems, challenges and changes. Such an approach will help us all navigate today’s world. We want you to transfer the passion for learning and the quest for continuous personal and professional growth, development and improvement that you will realize here, to each student, in every one of your classrooms and schools. Our dedicated staff is committed to meeting you where you are and is prepared to take you forward to ensure that your expectations are realized. Reach out to them as needed and seek their guidance and support. Travel this educational journey WITH us. 

We are now emerging from a pandemic, through which our resilience, creativity and adaptability were tested. Many of us have experienced quite intimately, the pain and trauma of COVID-19, and while we will never forget the onslaught, we will continue to build and grow from the learnings the pandemic threw our way.

As professionals, you will always be held to a high standard. Always do your duty honestly, ethically and with integrity. Embrace and utilize technology positively and meaningfully, respect and preserve our environment, and teach those in your charge to do so as well. Remember that what our society will look like in the future rests on your shoulders and will emerge from your schools and your classrooms. Make your impact count.

I end by saying that I wish you every success, in whatever pursuit you have undertaken with us and in all other future endeavours, you will undertake. A very warm and hearty welcome to the School of Education. Go Brave!

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