Level: III
Semester: 2
Number of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: CHEM 2470

Course Description

This is a compulsory course for students who wish to pursue the Minor in Analytical Chemistry, which continues the study of analytical chemistry concepts begun in CHEM 2470 and CHEM. Quality Control and Quality Assurance are of the highest importance, and are a part of every step in most processes be it manufacturing, medical, research, construction or any project. This course introduces the student to the important role of the laboratory in an organization and in particular its critical function in any Quality System. Practices to ensure that the laboratory meets the needs of the organization and its customers will be explored. The concepts of quality, the importance of the customer and their requirements, and the use of international standards will be assessed. Quality Control and Quality Assurance tools will be evaluated. Implementation of the appropriate Quality Management plan will be studied as well as ISO Accreditation, Internal Audits and Information Management Systems.

This course provides the essential knowledge required by every chemist to consistently produce the highest quality results and ensure reliability. The concepts being explored are not limited to the laboratory only, but are taught from a larger point of view emphasising the conceptualisation and development of each concept and it impact on the modern world, global trade and everyday life.



Coursework                                                     40%
Final Examination - 2-hour written paper      60%