Level: I
Semester: Year-Long
Number of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: CHEM 0060 & CHEM 0061 or CHEM 0100 & CHEM 0200 or CAPE chemistry or equivalent


Course Description

This is a laboratory based course covering basic and intermediate laboratory skills, including chemical calculations, simple data and statistical analyses, volumetric and gravimetric techniques, chemical quantitation, pH measurements, purification of mixtures, chromatography, measurement of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of reactions, basic symmetry and laboratory safety. Laboratory exercises begin with a careful emphasis on skill acquisition, then move towards more complicated exercises. During the later stages of the course students would be expected to do more advanced laboratory activities, using the techniques taught in the earlier sessions to plan, design and execute their own solution to a laboratory problem. The final grade for CHEM 1070 will be determined from an assessment of student performance in the following activities: general laboratory reports / exercises, laboratory quizzes, laboratory skills evaluation, and mini-projects.



Coursework 100%