Level: II
Semester: 1
Number of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: CHEM 1065 or CHEM 1070, and at least CHEM 1066 and CHEM 1067; (or CHEM 1060 and CHEM 1061)


Course Description

This is part I of two of core inorganic chemistry courses and gives an introduction to fundamental concepts in inorganic chemistry with a focus on descriptive inorganic chemistry and bonding theories both in inorganic molecules and in the solid state. The course is divided into topic themes and includes structure of solids, survey of properties of main group elements, aqueous and redox chemistry of ionic compounds, principles of group theory, descriptive transition metal chemistry the basis of which includes crystal field theory and extending into basic molecular magnetism and electronic spectroscopy. The topics are pursued with a common theme of chemical bonding and structure and the derived chemical properties of compounds of elements across the most of the periodic table. The assessment approach will be varied and continuous throughout the course and include online quizzes, in-course exams, tutorial worksheets and group research paper.



Coursework                                                                 40%
Final Examination - 2-hour written paper                 60%