Level: II
Semester: 1
Number of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: CHEM 1065 or CHEM 1070, and at least CHEM 1067 and CHEM 1068; (or CHEM 1060)


Course Description

This course will be the first of the two basic organic chemistry courses required for students who have completed the Introductory Chemistry programme and wish to pursue a major in chemistry. Students are introduced to the basic reactions, principles and tools which will enable them to devise reasonable schemes for the synthesis of given molecules, to determine the structures of these molecules and to explain the formation of the products obtained from reactions. This will be achieved through six lectures in Stereochemistry, six lectures in Spectroscopy and 12 lectures on Synthetic Design which will focus on applying knowledge of aromatic and carbanion chemistry and retrosynthetic analysis to the synthesis of given organic molecules. There will be twelve weekly tutorials during which assigned problems will be discussed. Students will be assigned to work in small groups on the problems and hand in their solutions before each tutorial.



Coursework                                                     40%
Final Examination - 2-hour written paper     60%