Level: II/III
Semester: 2
Number of Credits: 3
Prerequisites: CHEM 2160 or CHEM 2170


Course Description

This course is part II of the core inorganic chemistry courses and provides comprehensive fundamental basis for chemistry students and designed with the aim of introducing the salient features of the vast inorganic chemistry of main group, transition metal and inner transition metal compounds. The course is structured into three subtopics which specifically discusses exclusively the chemistry of their compounds. These topics include: chemistry of the main group elements with a focus on hydrides, oxides and halides, etc.; coordination and organometallic chemistry, the basis of which is ligand field theory and molecular orbital theory and then extending into chemistry of organometallic compounds, electronic spectroscopy and magnetic properties; and finally, chemistry of the lanthanides and actinides. The assessment approach will be varied and continuous throughout the course and include online quizzes, in-course exams, tutorial worksheets and group research paper.



Coursework                                                     40%
Final Examination - 2-hour written paper     60%