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Objectives of Mathematics Help Centre (MHC)

  • To provide face-to-face assistance to persons with difficulties in courses with Mathematics and Statistics components in ALL faculties at the UWI, St. Augustine Campus and the Open Campus.
  • To promote the expertise and important role of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the Campus.


Location of MHC

The MHC facilitates both face-to-face and online visits.

You can visit face-to-face in the Mathematics Help Centre Room which is located on the second floor of the Natural Sciences Building (Old Wing).

You can join us online via the myeLearning Course Shell, Math Help Centre (see above for instructions on how to join).  You can join Zoom sessions with tutors or post to the online Discussion Forum on myeLearning.


Availability of the MHC

This is a walk-in service:

Opening hours: Monday to Friday (except Thursday) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only.


For more information or to find out about the availability of a tutor in advance, you can email us at to arrange a session. Please include in your email the course code and the topic that you need assistance with, so that arrangements can be made for your visit.


You can call the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for more information. Phone contact: 662-2002 ext. 83553 / 83641.


MHC Tutors

Instructors, Teaching Assistants, Demonstrators and Associate Professionals from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics assist students with difficulties at the MHC.


Student requirements per session

  • Students must bring their course material and attempts at the question for clarification.
  • Tutors will provide necessary guidance to students by providing the skills and techniques required to understand the material.
  • Tutors will not proofread or do assignments for students or provide opinions/judgements on the way an assignment or examination was marked by another Lecturer.
  • In the event a tutor is unable to answer a question efficiently, the student will be referred to another who has the expertise.
  • Graduate students with projects will be referred to the Statistical Consulting Unit.


Contact us


Phone: 662-2002 ext. 83553 / 83641