As a new incoming student, you can submit your photo online to be printed on your UWI ID Card by following the steps below:
- Have someone take your picture.
For more details and instructions on the criteria for acceptable photos: https://idcard.sta.uwi.edu/Guide
- Complete online course selection to receive an e-mail with login credentials.
On completion of on-line course selection, an e-mail will be sent to your personal e-mail address with the information and login credentials to access the UWI ID Card Photo Upload Application.
- Upload photo.
Login to the UWI ID Card Photo Upload Application with the credentials received and upload your photo.
- Photo will be validated.
Your photo will be reviewed to determine whether it is appropriate to be printed on the UWI ID Card. If your photo is approved, you will receive a notice stating the location, date and time to collect your UWI ID Card. If the photo has been rejected, you must submit a new photo. Check your e-mail regularly to see whether your photo has been accepted or if you must take and submit a new photo, and do so as soon as possible.
- Collect UWI ID Card*
Having obtained financial clearance, visit the following link to receive further instructions on how to access The UWI Student ID/Smart Card: https://idcard.sta.uwi.edu/.
For further information, email IDCard.Help@sta.uwi.edu or call 662-2002 Ext. 83120.
Your UWI Student ID Card is automatically revalidated on receipt of financial clearance.
If you still hold the previous version of the UWI ID Card (issued prior to 2013) you must obtain a new UWI ID smartcard. For further information, email IDCard.Help@sta.uwi.edu or call 662-2002 Ext. 83120.
For more on the UWI ID smartcard visit https://idcard.sta.uwi.edu/.
NOTE: Financial clearance is required in order to obtain a UWI Student ID Card.