Overcoming Challenges to Developing Sustainable Agri-food systems in the Tropics


Call for posters

Themes | Poster Guidelines | Mounting of Posters


The UWI invites posters on any topic under the general theme of the Conference within the following sub themes:

Innovation in Production and Post Production Technologies

  1. to investigate technological responses to the challenges facing tropical Agriculture – addressing specifically the production and post-production issues.

Innovation in Marketing and Globalization Issues

  1. to investigate a socio-economic response to globalization challenges facing tropical Agriculture.
  2. to explore innovations in global marketing systems and opportunities for tropical countries to expand markets.

Innovation in Research Education and Extension

  1. to investigate innovations in education and extension globally and lessons that can be applied for tropical agriculture.

In order to efficiently communicate the results of your research to the viewers, you are kindly requested to devote considerable effort in the design of your poster. Please pay attention to details by carefully following the guidelines hereby outlined.

    1. Consult the numerous web resources that discuss effective poster presentation
    2. The dimensions of your poster should not exceed 90cm across x 170cm in length.
    3. The heading should have letters at least 35mm high listing the title of the paper, authors, institution and its location. If necessary, please shorten the heading.
    4. Lettering for text and illustrations should be at least 10mm high, or typed with a bulletin typewriter.
    5. Divide your poster into Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Each of these sections should be numbered in sequence with numbers 35mm high to guide the reader through the poster (see illustrative example below)
    6. The introduction should contain 3 to 5 telegraphic sentences outlining essential information necessary to understand the study and why it was done.
    7. The objectives of the study, the questions to be asked or the hypothesis to be tested should be clearly stated in as few words as possible.
    8. Outline your methods briefly; provide reference to previous methods and details only for new methods or important modifications of older ones.
    9. Results should be presented as graphs or tables. They should be self-explanatory and therefore please provide a clear legend including symbols. You may also want to provide an interpretation of the results below each panel.
    10. The discussion (if necessary) and conclusions should be succinctly stated on large type. Many viewers read this first, hence it should be easy to understand
    11. All figures and tables should have brief captions
    12. All illustrations (graphs, pictures, figures, tables) should be large enough for easy observation. Matte finish on graphs or pictures gives better visibility due to reduction of glare.

Possible Sample Poster Presentation Layout


Please note: Authors are responsible for the transportation of their presentations. Roll poster materials in a large mailing tube or place in a large portfolio for travel to the meeting. Do not mail posters to the conference headquarters.

Mounting of posters:

Posters can be mounted on Sunday or during the coffee break on Monday. Authors are responsible for the mounting and dismounting of their presentations. Each poster will be assigned a number in the book of abstracts. Please find the assigned space allotted for your use on the numbered poster boards.

