The Management Society of the University of the West Indies (MSU)

The Management Society of the University of the West Indies (MSU) is a professionally managed society, binding all students by providing opportunities for the enhancement of managerial and technical skills, while enriching the university experience for its members. MSU seeks to bring the concepts and practical insights of the business world to the student population through a number of lectures, seminars and workshops. Having successfully completed more than ten years of diligently serving the University, the MSU was awarded the title of "Club of the Year".

The objectives of the MSU are to:

  • Promote a professional attitude amongst its members.
  • Promote a good relationship between students and industry.
  • Foster leadership abilities needed in management.
  • Provide an information centre for use by members, encouraging academic excellence and contemporary awareness of the environment.
  • Present a positive and progressive image of the University and the Business World to the external and internal environment.
  • Work in co-operation with the Students’ Guild of Undergraduates and the Faculty of Social Sciences for the general improvement, enhancement and advancement of programmes within the University.

The strategic and long-term objectives of the MSU are to:

  • Establish MSU on the other campuses of the UWI or forge an alliance with groups of each campus which have similar objectives to that of the MSU
  • Build relationships with business enterprises.
  • Allow for collaboration between other groups, clubs and societies on campus.
  • Create an MSU newsletter or magazines.
  • Forge links with international universities.
  • Provide external participation at fora and conferences of the local business community.

 Interested persons can contact the MSU at 662-2002 Ext. 3759

Events and Initiatives by MSU:

November 2020: MSU's Evening of Excellence

December 2020: MSU's "Adopt a Village" Program

May 2021: MSU's St. Vincent and the Grenadines' Help Drive

September 2021: MSU' Human Resource Management Forum

January 2022: MSU's "Feed the Homeless" Initiative

Visit the MSU on Facebook page and Instagram: uwi.msu