Call for Papers






At the inaugural Human Communication Studies Conference in September 2013, the Business Meeting took the decision to establish an association of Caribbean Human Communication Studies, publish a journal based on submissions received by October 31 2013 and to hold the next conference in September 2015. Arising out of these decisions, the following proposals for the next conference are issued for consideration.



Human Communication Studies CFP September 24-25 2015


Theme: Identity, Context and Interdisciplinarity in Human Communication Studies in the Caribbean


Human communication studies research in the Caribbean has evolved from the pioneering work in mass communication by CARIMAC and media and communication, and communication for social and behavioural change at UWI, Mona, Jamaica; subsequent developments in communication studies at UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad between 1999 and the present, and human communication studies since 2009; the introduction of a minor in Communication Studies at UWI Cave Hill since 2011. These developments in the Caribbean reflect, in part, the international and national trends in the burgeoning discipline of human communication which is home to more than two dozen sub-fields. Issues of identity, interdisciplinary links and discussions about the focus and study of human communication studies in the Caribbean arise quite naturally, especially in multidisciplinary academic departments and contexts.


Human communication studies developments in the Caribbean have also been accompanied by the design and delivery and growth of successful undergraduate and graduate programmes and research days and seminars. This period of development in Caribbean human communication studies has also witnessed the initiation and growth of faculty research in communication and interdisciplinary research collaboration in areas and subthemes such as


  • Communication Studies Education

  • Communication, Culture and Gender

  • Communication, Culture and Conflict

  • Communication Activism 

  • Health Communication

  • Intercultural and/or Multilingual Communication

  • Media, Culture and Society

  • Organizational and Corporate Communications/Business Communication

  • Performance, Popular Culture and Critical Theory

  • Newer Media and Digital Technology

  • Telecommunications Policy

  • Information Use and Technology Convergence


These areas of academic (faculty) research in the Caribbean and beyond reflect issues of identity, context and interdisciplinarity.


As we explore Identity, Context and Interdisciplinarity in Human Communication Studies in the Caribbean and Beyond, please consider submitting your full conference papers to an international panel for peer review for acceptance at the conference and possible publication in The Journal of Human Communication Studies in the Caribbean (JHCSC). The inaugural conference on Human Communication Studies: Celebrating the Caribbean in Communication, Culture and Community 2013 took place at UWI, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. Please visit the website for information on that conference.



Submit Full Papers to by April 15, 2015.


The full papers should propose topics, posters, panels or innovative sessions based on the areas or sub-themes listed above. All papers should provide a paper title, names of author(s), names of presenter(s), institutional affiliation, email address and telephone contacts, identify a conference sub-theme from the areas listed in the call for papers, provide five keywords and the abstract should not exceed 200 words.


Notice of Acceptance: by June 15 2015              Commitment to Present: by June 30 2015


Programme and/or Abstracts online: August 15 2015


Manuscripts should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages, excluding tables and references.


Manuscripts submitted to this conference should include “human communication studies conference” in the subject line of the email, a separate abstract not to exceed 200 words, and a list of five suggested keywords. They must conform to the conventions of the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association; otherwise, they will not be reviewed.


Research involving human subjects must be approved by an institutional review board in order to be considered for presentation at the conference and/or publication in The Journal of Human Communication Studies in the Caribbean. Manuscripts must not be under consideration in other outlets or have appeared in any other published form at the time of submission.


Presentations should not exceed twenty (20) minutes for papers and one hour for panels or innovative sessions. Poster specifications will be issued with the notice of acceptance by June 15 2015.


Conference information, travel and accommodation, registration, and programming will be posted and updated regularly. Submissions can be uploaded at the conference website at: during the submission period January 15 to April 15 2015.


Submission period January 15-April 15 2015. Interested persons are strongly encouraged to submit early as possible beginning January 15. The deadline is April 15 2015 at midnight Eastern Caribbean time. Inquiries: or