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Resident Assistant
Resident Assistants (RAs) are students who live in university residences. They help foster strong and healthy residential learning communities, which complement and extend classroom learning.
The Resident Assistant or RA, for the Halls of Residence, is a senior student who is available to university students living in the hall. Hall residents may be more comfortable talking to an RA than an older adult in a sterile on-campus housing office, making this peer-to-peer guidance can be valuable for incoming freshmen.
Typically, the RA is in charge of a single floor or block in a hall. They are often postgraduate or final year students who live on the floor and are available in shifts to aid the other students with a variety of concerns and build a sense of community. If one RA is unavailable for an urgent matter, students can turn to others in their dorm for help.
The RA may be one of the first students a hall “fresher” comes in contact with on move-in day. RAs offer answers to move-in day questions for anxious students and their equally concerned parents, and their experience on campus is invaluable to new students who have many things to learn about UWI life. Students apply to be RAs and go through extensive interviews and training to ensure they are prepared to handle most situations that might come up.
Resident Assistants champion the needs of the students in their communities while ensuring the vision of the university is accomplished. Fundamental to the position of RA is their ability to be role model. RA’s are exemplary at all times, especially in conduct, level of maturity, responsibility, judgement and scholarship.
Get to know your RA and feel free to reach out to them for any assistance you may require.
Applications for new RAs open February 28th – March 28th, 2024
For more information - [click here]
Duties of the RA - [click here]
Apply now - [click here]