The UWI Faculty of Engineering Achievements
The Department of Chemical Engineering achieved the following for 2019:
Highest GPA in the Faculty of Engineering: 4.12
Highest number of First Class Honours recipients: Nine (9)
Thirteen (13) MSc. Distinctions obtained by graduates
Research Grant Awarded by The UWI T&T Research and Development Impact Fund (RDI Fund)
Project Details:
Grant Awardee: Dr. Keeran Ward
Title of Project: The Environmental Applications of Sodium Alginate extracted from Sargassum Sources in Trinidad and Tobago
Total RDI Grant: TTD696,000
Duration of Project: Twenty-four (24) months
Expected Completion Date: April 30th, 2021
The UWI Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Student Chapter Achievements
In 2020, The UWI SPE Student Chapter was selected to receive the SPEI Presidential Award for Outstanding Student Chapter 2020, for the first time. This prestigious award is the highest honor, recognizing only the top 5% of SPEI’s student chapters around the world with exceptional programs in industry engagement, operations and planning, community involvement, professional development, and innovation. All 2020 Outstanding Student Chapter recipients will be recognized in October 2020 at SPEI’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) in Houston, Texas, USA. The list of past award winners can be found here: Award Winners.

The UWI SPE Student Chapter Officers 2019/20: Danielle Pacheco – Secretary; Ahiliah Gajadhar – President; Rishma Persad – Treasurer; Celine Gooljar – Vice President; Aliyah Ali – Communications Chairperson; Navin Ragoo – Membership Chairperson; Lauren Rodrigues – Programme Chairperson; Deana-Marie Burkett – Social Activities Chairperson; Professor Raffie Hosein – Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Faculty Advisor for The UWI SPE Student Chapter.
(Above Photo) The SPE UWI Student Chapter Field Trip Tour of New Horizon Parrylands Facility
In July 2020, The UWI SPE Student Chapter PetroBowl Team placed 3rd in the SPE Latin America and Caribbean Regional PetroBowl Competition and has qualified to take part in the SPE International PetroBowl Championship to be held in Houston in October 2020. Eighteen (18) universities from nine (9) countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region took part in this competition. The team comprised Paul Singh (Captain, top right), Steve Duncan (top left) and Deborah Ramnath. All other competing teams had four participants. This is the first time the PetroBowl Regional Qualifier Competition was held virtually due to COVID-19.

- Previous SPE Chapter Awards
The University of the West Indies SPE Student Chapter was awarded the Student Chapter Excellence Award for 2019. This prestigious award, previously known as the Gold Standard, is the second highest honor a student chapter may receive and is awarded to only the top 20% of student chapters globally.
The Student Chapter was also awarded 3rd Place in the Undergraduate Category of the 2019 SPE Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Student Paper Contest. SPE coordinates 14 regional student paper contests at the Undergraduate, Master's, and PhD levels in which students enter an abstract of their research paper and present it on the day of their regional competition.
2019 Faculty of Engineering Annual Prizes and Awards Ceremony
On October 22nd 2019, The Faculty of Engineering held their Annual Prizes and Awards Ceremony. Students from various programmes within the Department of Chemical Engineering received awards at this event to highlight their achievements.

Angostura Limited Prize - Recipient Steve Harnarine

Association of Professional Engineers of T&T (APETT) Prize - Recipient David Brown
BP Trinidad & Tobago (bpTT) Prize - (On behalf of) Recipient Paul Amihere-Ackah

Caribbean Nitrogen Company Prize - Recipient Danielle Lord

Caribbean Nitrogen Company Prize - Recipient Renisha Hercules

Caribbean Nitrogen Company Prize - Recipient Venessa Bhagwat

EOG Resources Trinidad Limited Prize - Recipient Raihaan Ali

EOG Resources Trinidad Limited Prize - Recipient Venessa Bhagwat

Fine Choice Meats LTD. and Kiss Baking Co. Prize - Recipient Afiya Punnette

Florette Smith-Felix Prize - Recipient Aaron Lawrence

NAMDEVCO Prize - Recipient Aaron Lawrence

National Energy Corporation of Trinidad & Tobago Prize - Recipient Steve Duncan

National Flour Mills Limited Prize - Recipient Nadeesha Doolarchan

Nu-Iron Unlimited Prize - Recipient Venessa Bhagwat

Nu-Iron Unlimited Prize - Recipient Sherad Sadeek

Schlumberger Prize - Recipient Rakesh Singh

Schlumberger Prize - Recipient Veerani Maharaj

Schlumberger Prize - Recipient Victoria Najab

The Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago Prize - Recipient Arun Ramkissoon

The Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago Prize - Recipient Micquelle Stoute

The Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago Prize - Recipient Veerani Maharaj

The Society of Petroleum Engineers Trinidad & Tobago Section (SPETT) Prize - Recipient Shawn Thomas