Services Offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering:



Our aim is to provide professional geomechanical research and services to the public and industry, both locally and regionally, utilizing state of the art innovation and cutting–edge technology. Our facilities can carry out geomechanics and reservoir characterization (permeability and porosity) at reservoir conditions up to 8 km's depth. The facilities are very highly specialized, have a unique setup, and is the only one existing in this region (Caribbean, Central and South America).
  • Rock Preparation
1. Plug sampling from consolidated and unconsolidated rocks (well core and outcrop)
2. Plug preparation/cleaning
  • Geomechanical Tests (*Tests 1 to 11 can be conducted at temperatures up to 200°C.)
1. Uniaxial Compressive Strength Tests
2. Triaxial Compressive Strength Tests
3. Hydrostatic Compression Tests
4. Brazilian Test (f. Uniaxial Tensile Strength)
5. Uniaxial Static Elasticity (Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio) Tests
6. Triaxial Static Elasticity (Young's modulus and Poisson's Ratio) Tests
7. Static Bulk Modulus Measurements
8. P‐wave and S‐wave Velocity Measurements
9. S‐wave Splitting Measurements
10. Permeability Measurements
11. Friction Coefficient Tests
12. Porosity Measurements
For more details please download:



Visit the Geomechanics and Rock Physics (GaRP) Laboratory here:


GARP Website Home Button 3.jpg





We produce high-quality polished thin-sections (for petrographic studies) for the industrial and academic sectors based on their requirements and objectives. Our laboratory equipment sourced from VINCI Technologies are the most advanced currently available equipment for thin-section preparation of geological rock samples and cores. Our equipment allows for a smooth process from high-precision sample cutting and trimming of rock billets to grinding and polishing of the thin-sections.
  • Rock Billet and Thin-section preparation
1. Rock impregnation with resin
2. Rock to glass bonding using bonding jig
3. Rock slicing using diamond blade saw
4. Precision lapping and polishing of samples
For more details please download:



Visit the Thin-section Laboratory here:


TS Lab.jpg





We offer services in the areas of Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Petroleum Geoscience, Chemical & Process Engineering, and Food Science & Technology.
Services Offered:
  • Industry Software Training
  • Technical Short Courses
  • Reservoir Simulation Short Courses
  • Numerical Simulation Control and Optimisation


Our focus is on commercialisation of research. Some areas are as follows:
  • Photobioreactor project to produce bio-butanol utilizing CO2 – Joint UWI/UTT project to be funded by National Energy Corporation was prepared and submitted for consideration and funding
  • Pipeline Corrosion studies – collaboration with the National Gas Company
  • Membrane technology – collaboration with Blue Mountain Water
  • Heavy Oil Recovery – collaboration with Heritage PCL
  • Carbon Dioxide Sequestration & Utilisation and the CERM (CO2 Emission Reduction Mobilization) project led by Dr. Lorraine Sobers – ongoing collaboration with UTT, NGC, MEEI and Heritage PCL


  • Chemical and Process Engineering (C&PE) – Commercialisation of Membrane Technology Lab, Analytical and Extraction Labs and Environmental Services
  • Petroleum Studies Unit (PSU) – Rock Geomechanics, Thin-section Preparation, Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy, Development of Radio-Frequency Heavy Oil Extraction Project
For inquiries and quotations concerning the services offered above, please contact:
Dr. Dhurjati Prasad Chakrabarti
Head of Department - Department of Chemical Engineering
Location: Block 13, 2nd Floor, Chemical Engineering Office
Phone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 82169/82196


Dr. June Bradshaw
Administrative Assistant
Location: Block 13, 2nd Floor, Chemical Engineering Office
Phone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 82168