Head of Department


Dr. Dhurjati Prasad Chakrabarti
Head of Department —  Department of Chemical Engineering
Location: Block 13, 2nd Floor, Chemical Engineering Office
Phone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 82169/82196
​Email: dhurjati.chakrabarti@sta.uwi.edu


Administrative Team


Dr. June Bradshaw
Administrative Assistant
Location: Block 13, 2nd Floor, Chemical Engineering Office
Phone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 82168
Email: STA-AdminAssistant.CHEMENG@sta.uwi.edu


Mrs. Natalie Thomas-Chance
Location: Block 13, 2nd Floor, Chemical Engineering Office
Phone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 82196/82169
Email: STA-Chemical.Engineering@sta.uwi.edu


Mrs. Gabriella Yeates-Lopez
(Petroleum Geoscience Programme)
Location: Block 7, 1st Floor, Petroleum Geoscience
Phone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 83686
Email: STA-geosciences@sta.uwi.edu
Ms. Nimba Wahtuse
Secretary (Ag.)
(Petroleum Studies Unit/Chemical Engineering)
Location: Block 13, 2nd Floor, Chemical Engineering Office
Phone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 83412
Email: STA-Chemeng.Group@sta.uwi.edu


Clerical Assistant (Ag.)
(Food Science and Technology)
Location: Block 13, 2nd Floor, Chemical Engineering Office
Phone: 868-662-2002 Ext. 82190
Email: STA-FoodScience.Technology@sta.uwi.edu


For contact information of members of staff for the Department of Chemical Engineering, please consult The UWI Staff Directory.
The University of the West Indies
St. Augustine, Trinidad
Tel: 868-662-2002 | Fax: 868-663-9684
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