
The UWI Society of Petroleum Engineers Student Chapter wins International Award for Third Consecutive Year!

In May 2022, The UWI SPE Student Chapter was selected for the third consecutive year (2020, 2021, 2022) to receive the SPEI Presidential Award for Outstanding Student Chapter. This prestigious award is the highest honor, recognizing only the top 5% of SPEI’s student chapters around the world with exceptional programs in industry engagement, operations and planning, community involvement, professional development, and innovation.
In the Latin America and Caribbean Region only 2 universities received this award for the 2021/2022 Period once again setting The UWI SPE Chapter apart and flying the T&T banner in our region. Only 17 universities globally received the SPEI Presidential Award for Outstanding Student Chapter of a total 417 student chapters. 

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The UWI SPE Student Chapter Officers 2021/22: Kerneese Ramjarrie –  Secretary; Daniel Joseph – President; Nishkal Maharaj – Treasurer; Jordan Jafar – Vice President; Joshua Encinas – Communications Chairperson; Aaron Mungal – Membership Chairperson; Rishma Persad – Programme Chairperson; Arun Ramcharitar – Social Activities Chairperson; Juene Weekes – Energy Sustainability Officer; Professor Raffie Hosein – Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Faculty Advisor for The UWI SPE Student Chapter.
The UWI SPE student chapter achieved within the past year, triumphs, new experiences and most importantly growth and closer relationships with its members, despite the challenges due to COVID-19 and the ripple effects of social distancing and remote interactions. Virtual activities were made enjoyable and impactful by inspiring members to never stop learning, to set goals, and to pave their road to success whilst positively impacting those around them.

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(Above Photo) The UWI SPE Student Chapter Executive.
All 2022 Outstanding Student Chapter recipients will be recognized in October 2022 at SPEI’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) in Houston, Texas USA.
Read the official release here: https://jpt.spe.org/twa/2022-spe-presidential-award-for-outstanding-stud...



The UWI Society of Petroleum Engineers Student Chapter wins International Award and Places 3rd in Regional Competition (AGAIN!)

In May 2021, The UWI SPE Student Chapter was selected to receive the SPEI Presidential Award for Outstanding Student Chapter 2021, for the second time. This prestigious award is the highest honor, recognizing only the top 5% of SPEI’s student chapters around the world with exceptional programs in industry engagement, operations and planning, community involvement, professional development, and innovation. All 2021 Outstanding Student Chapter recipients will be recognized in October 2021 at SPEI’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


The UWI SPE Student Chapter Officers 2020/21:  Edward Blanche –  Secretary; Raihaan Ali – President; Aarti Dhowtal – Treasurer; Selena Mohammed – Vice President; Marielle McLean – Communications Chairperson; Shivani Manick – Membership Chairperson; Paul Singh – Programme Chairperson; Deborah Ramnath – Social Activities Chairperson; Professor Raffie Hosein – Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Faculty Advisor for The UWI SPE Student Chapter.

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(Above Photo) The UWI SPE Student Chapter Beach Clean-up Event collaboration with Nature Seekers NGO.
In June 2021, The UWI SPE Student Chapter PetroBowl Team placed 3rd in the SPE Latin America and Caribbean Regional PetroBowl Competition and has qualified to take part in the SPE International PetroBowl competition to be held in September 2021. Eighteen (18) universities from nine (9) countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region took part in this competition. Our team comprised Paul Singh (Captain), Rishma Persad, Michael Johnson, and Deborah Ramnath. This is the second time the PetroBowl regional competition was held virtually due to COVID-19. This year the international championship competition will also take place virtually due to the current ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This year was another strong showing in the LACR region by The UWI team in the popular student competition, on the backdrop of a stellar performance last year in the international championship where the team placed within the Elite Top 8 universities in the world of 32 qualifying universities. Many universities such as Lousiana State U., U. of Oklahoma, Texas A&M College Station & Qatar, TU Delft and others from all over the world aspire to the title of PetroBowl Champs! The UWI Team hopes to make The UWI and Trinidad & Tobago proud at this year's championship meetup.  

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(Above Photo) The UWI PetroBowl Team is acknowleged for its 3rd Place in the closing ceremony.




The UWI Society of Petroleum Engineers Student Chapter wins International Award and Places 3rd in Regional Competition

In May 2020, The UWI SPE Student Chapter was selected to receive the SPEI Presidential Award for Outstanding Student Chapter 2020, for the first time. This prestigious award is the highest honor, recognizing only the top 5% of SPEI’s student chapters around the world with exceptional programs in industry engagement, operations and planning, community involvement, professional development, and innovation. All 2020 Outstanding Student Chapter recipients will be recognized in October 2020 at SPEI’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) in Houston, Texas, USA.

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The UWI SPE Student Chapter Officers 2019/20: Danielle Pacheco –  Secretary; Ahiliah Gajadhar – President; Rishma Persad – Treasurer; Celine Gooljar – Vice President; Aliyah Ali – Communications Chairperson; Navin Ragoo – Membership Chairperson; Lauren Rodrigues – Programme Chairperson; Deana-Marie Burkett – Social Activities Chairperson; Professor Raffie Hosein – Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Faculty Advisor for The UWI SPE Student Chapter.

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(Above Photo) The UWI SPE Student Chapter Energy4Me Event with the San Fernando Sea Scouts students.
In July 2020, The UWI SPE Student Chapter PetroBowl Team placed 3rd in the SPE Latin America and Caribbean Regional PetroBowl Competition and has qualified to take part in the SPE International PetroBowl competition to be held in Houston in October 2020. Eighteen (18) universities from nine (9) countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region took part in this competition. Our team comprised Paul Singh (Captain, top right), Steve Duncan (top left) and Deborah Ramnath. All other competing teams had four participants. This is the first time the PetroBowl competition was held virtually due to COVID-19. Professor Raffie Hosein, Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Professor of Petroleum Engineering is the Faculty Advisor for The UWI SPE Student Chapter having taken on this responsibility since 2012. He has overall responsibility to SPE International for the Student Chapter and provides leadership, guidance, motivation, encouragement and support to the executive and members on all activities related to the Student Chapter. The UWI congratulates The UWI SPE Student Chapter on these achievements.

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(Above Photo) The UWI PetroBowl Team competing in the virtual competition.

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(Above Photo) The Top 5 University Teams that will be representing the Latin America and Caribbean SPE Region at the International PetroBowl Championship.



National Energy & The UWI Sign Historic MOU

BRECHIN CASTLE, COUVA – Tuesday 10th March 2020, National Energy and The University of the West Indies (UWI) signed a historic MOU. The document, which was developed over several months of discussions, will see the NGC Group hosting students from the University of Guyana during a 1-week study tour during May – July 2020. The arrangement is part of The UWI’s MSc in Petroleum Engineering that is being offered to students of the University of Guyana. The program, which usually includes a project element, will see the students being afforded an opportunity to experience first hand the business of the NGC Group.
Following the signing, President of National Energy, Dr. Vernon Paltoo stated, “During the 1-week study tour, they will be exposed to all aspects of the energy value chain – from upstream to downstream – and they will spend time at all member companies.” Ms. Wendy Seow, General Manager of LABIDCO mentioned the office in Guyana was recently opened by National Energy on behalf of the NGC Group.  She expressed the NGC Group’s commitment to building the relationship between Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana, “Through this partnership, we are contributing to the next generation of energy sector leaders in Guyana.”
The MOU was signed by Professor Brian Copeland, Principal of The UWI, St. Augustine and Dr. Vernon Paltoo. Representing The UWI at this morning’s signing was Distinguished Fellow & Professor of Practice Andrew Jupiter, Coordinator of the Petroleum Studies Unit, and Professor Raffie Hosein, Professor of Petroleum Engineering and Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering at The UWI.


(L to R) Prof. Raffie Hosein (Head of Department and Professor of Petroleum Engineering, UWI), Prof. Andrew Jupiter (Distinguished Fellow & Professor of Practice, UWI), Ms. Elizabeth Foster (Assistant Manager Contracts Administration, National Energy), Dr. Vernon Paltoo (President, National Energy), Ms. Wendy Seow (General Manager, LABIDCO)


(L to R) Prof. Raffie Hosein (Head of Department and Professor of Petroleum Engineering, UWI), Prof. Andrew Jupiter (Distinguished Fellow & Professor of Practice, UWI), Dr. Vernon Paltoo (President, National Energy), Ms. Wendy Seow (General Manager, LABIDCO)



The UWI partners with Government for Sustainable Energy and Industry Projects

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(Above) Welcome to UWI St. Augustine – (L to R) Ms. Sandra Fraser (Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI)) and Mrs. Penelope Bradshaw-Niles (Permanent Secretary, MEEI) greet Prof. Andrew Jupiter (Distinguished Fellow & Professor of Practice, UWI and Coordinator, Petroleum Studies Unit) with a warm handshake while accompanied by Prof. Raffie Hosein (Head of Department and Professor of Petroleum Engineering, UWI and Coordinator, MSc Reservoir Engineering Programme) at The UWI St. Augustine Campus.
Professor of Practice in Petroleum Engineering and Coordinator, Petroleum Studies Unit at The UWI St. Augustine, Professor Andrew Jupiter stated that he was very pleased with the positive response by the Ministry. “The UWI will be continuing its partnership with the MEEI to develop programmes that the Ministry and industry have indicated are essential to the field of Energy,” he said.
Research projects within the Department of Chemical Engineering funded by the MEEI include:
  • The Effects of Fracture Damage and Anisotropy on Static and Dynamic Elastic Properties of Rocks
  • Supercritical Fluid Extraction Work in the Department of Chemical Engineering
  • A New Technique in Sequence Stratigraphy for Deep Water Successions in Non-Glacial Times
  • Heavy Oil and Oil Recovery from Trinidad Tar Sands by Radio Frequency Heating (RFH)
ST. AUGUSTINE – The University of the West Indies (The UWI) St. Augustine Campus is looking forward to continuing its work with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago on research projects that could enhance the energy industry. This was the message from campus representatives on Thursday 6th February, 2020 when Permanent Secretary Ms. Penelope Bradshaw-Niles and Deputy Permanent Secretary Ms. Sandra Fraser of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI) visited the Department of Chemical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at The UWI St. Augustine Campus, to meet with researchers of MEEI funded projects.
These projects are being developed under a Funding Agreement between The UWI and MEEI signed in 2014 and have contributed TT$13 million towards the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Petroleum Programmes at The UWI. Major projects such as “The Effect of a Sequential CO2 Gas and Nanoparticle Stabilised CO2 Foam Injection on Oil Recovery” and “Heavy Oil and Oil Recovery from Trinidad Tar Sands by Radio Frequency Heating (RFH)” have been completed through this partnership.

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(Above) Chamber for Oil Extraction – (L to R) Prof. Andrew Jupiter (Distinguished Fellow & Professor of Practice, UWI and Coordinator, Petroleum Studies Unit), Mrs. Penelope Bradshaw-Niles (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI)), Ms. Sandra Fraser (Deputy Permanent Secretary, MEEI), and Mr. Larry Bachansingh (Chief Technician, Department of Chemical Engineering) share a light moment with Prof. Raffie Hosein (Head of Department and Professor of Petroleum Engineering, UWI and Coordinator, MSc Reservoir Engineering Programme) as he explains the workings of the Chamber for Oil Extraction from Trinidad Tar Sands by Radio Frequency Heating.
Read the full press release here...