The following postgraduate diploma/ degrees are offered in the Department of Geomatics Engineering & Land Management:

MSc in Urban & Regional Planning

The MSc in Urban and Regional Planning programme is driven by the need to produce a cadre of planning professionals with a tailored education and training in Caribbean planning issues, which are distinct from other regions of the world by virtue of population dynamics, economic evolution, social problems and unique physical environment. The programme focuses on the evolution of theoretical perspectives on planning, especially with a developing country planning epistemology. It aims to equip the graduate with the knowledge associated with policy planning, strategic and development planning, physical planning and design, as well as development control in areas of development relevant to the Caribbean region.

M.PHIL/PhD Degree in Urban and Regional Planning

Urban and regional planning is the profession that deals with the understanding and management of land uses in the hierarchy of urban and regional settlements and the spatial relations of human activities.  It is an interdisciplinary science that deals with the physical, environment, social, economic and cultural aspects of human settlements in urban and rural areas.  The study programme for M.Phil/Ph.D in Urban and regional planning provides student with the knowledge and understanding of:

  • Comparative international theory and practice of urban and regional planning
  • Caribbean urban history and settlements structures
  • The Caribbean's natural resource base, as islands and implications for economic development in sectors such as industry, tourism, agriculture, forestry and sustainable development.
  • The legal and administrative structure governing Caribbean urban and regional planning and management including development planning and the regulation of land use and built development.
  • The manipulation and analysis of spatial data and information, as part of research and policy formulation.
MSc in Geoinformatics

The goal of the MSc in Geoinformatics programme is to provide high-quality, professional graduate instructions in geoinformatics that lead to productive careers and lifelong learning. Geoinformatics is a nascent, multidisciplinary field in which graduates must be prepared to apply knowledge in new contexts, work cooperatively and communicate effectively.

MPHIL/PhD Degree in Geoinformatics

The aim of the M.Phil and PhD in Geoinformatics programme is to meet the growing needs of the Caribbean region for high-level, critical thinkers who will be able to undertake research and development necessary to support sustainable development efforts of the region.  The study programme for MPhil/PhD in Geoinformatics provides students with the knowledge and understanding for:

  • Critical assessment and understanding of the manipulation and analysis of spatial information.
  • A systematic approach to analyzing and solving spatial problems using a range of appropriate strategies and specific techniques.
  • Understanding of the main issues surrounding data requirements, quality, analysis and management of spatial data embedded in particular economic, political, social and legal structures create social barriers affecting their wider use.
  • Understanding of the main issues surrounding data requirements, quality, analysis and management of spatial data.
  • Understanding of the main issues surrounding data requirements, quality, analysis and management of spatial data.
  • Understanding of design, management and logistical Issues in Enterprise GIS development.

MPhil/PhD Degrees in Surveying & Land Information, Geoinformatics or Urban and Regional Planning

It is possible to read for the MPhil and PhD in Surveying & Land Information in one of the surveying specialisations - Planning & Development, Urban and Regional Planning and,  Geoinformatics.



  • MPhil in Surveying & Land Information
  • M.Phil in Urban and Regional Planning
  • M.Phil in Geoinformatics

The general regulations for the MPhil in Surveying & Land Information, MPhil in Urban and Regional Planning, and M.Phil in Geoinformatics are the same as the general regulations for the MPhil, except that candidates applying for registration should normally have either:

  1. A Bachelor’s degree with Second Class Honours in Surveying & Land Information; 
  2. An equivalent qualification suited to the fields of Urban & Regional Planning or Geoinformatics.
Postgraduate Diploma in Land Administration

This programme was developed to address the reform of the policies, procedures, statutes and institutions involved in land administration and management throughout the Caribbean. This programme is a response to the need to maintain and strengthen the human resources employed in land administration and land management in key institutions of the state, and private quasi-state sectors.

PhD in Surveying & Land Information, Geoinformatics, Urban and Regional Planning

The regulations for the PhD in Surveying and Land Information, Geoinformatics and PhD in Urban and Regional Planning are the same as the University and Faculty of Engineering regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy degree, except that candidates applying should normally have either:

  1. An MPhil degree in Surveying and Land Information Urban & Regional Planning or Geoinformatics from The University from the West Indies 
  2. A master’s degree by research in urban and regional planning or geoinformatics of an approved university.