Certificate in Human Ecology

This certificate has been designed to improve the preparedness of students wishing to take degrees in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Science, Food Service and Nutritional Sciences in the Faculty of Food and Agriculture. This certificate seeks to provide training that sets a solid foundation for the pursuance of the relevant degrees at the UWI, and also provides an entry point for persons desirous of matriculating for our programmes or those contemplating changing careers paths.
On successful completion, the Certificate qualifies all candidates for direct entry to the Degree programs in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, which offer a higher level of understanding, more hands-on experience in the field, and advanced theoretical and applied knowledge.

The Certificate is a one year programme of work full-time.
Part-time registration for the Certificate is also available.
Individual courses are available to the public once all entry requirements are satisfied.

Entrance Requirements
a. Passes in a minimum of five (5) subjects at CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE O-levels or their equivalent, which must include English Language, Mathematics, any two (2) of the following: Chemistry, Biology, Human and Social Biology, Integrated Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Food and Nutrition and Health, Textiles, Clothing and Fashion, Physics, Geography, Environmental Sciences, Principles of Business Accounting, foreign language and Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) LEVEL 1 equivalent in technical vocation subjects.
b. the above and One (1) CAPE Subject

The programme will be delivered through the collaboration of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension and the Department of Food Production. The programme would require one teaching instructor to assist with the delivery of the new courses.
Most of the texts associated with the courses are already available at the library. They are currently being used with other courses in our various programmes.

Programme of Study
The programme is designed to be completed in one academic year of full-time study or 2 years part-time study. The courses are scheduled as follows.

Semester 1

Course code

Course Title

No. of Credits

ENTI  0101

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship


HUEC 0101

Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition I


AGUD 0103

Agricultural Chemistry*


AGUD 0104

Agricultural Biology I*


HUEC 0103

Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology I



Total credits                              Semester 1




Semester 2





HUEC 0102

Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition II


HUEC 0104

Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II


HUEC 0105

Food and Nutritional Chemistry


HUEC 0106

Introduction to Family and Consumer Sciences


AGUD 0107




Total credits                             Semester 2



Total programme credits