Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:30 am – 6:00pm (during the Semester)

Mon-Fri: 8:30am – 4:30pm (off Semester)

The Health Services Unit is an ambulatory health facility, which provides free screening and evaluation by nurses and examinations by general practice physicians as well as specific health promotion activities. The Health Service Unit functions as a walk-in clinic and pharmacy. This means you are seen on a first-come, first-serve basis. When you walk into the front desk area, provide your validated student identification card to the clerk.
Read more about us here.



Further Information

Student Resources


Kindly download and complete the COVID-19 FIRST DOSE FORM OR the COVID-19 SECOND DOSE FORM prior to your vaccination appointment. 

If you have any further questions or queries, please contact the HSU at 662-2002 ext. 82149 or 82153 or 728-2408. For all appointments please contact us at 683-3648

Tele-Health Services

During this time of COVID-19, consultations with the HSU medical team is now available via Telehealth, online(Zoom) and telephone.  Telehealth services involve a virtual consultation with a member of the HSU medical team.

Students requesting a medical appointment with the HSU will now receive a virtual appointment with the medical team at HSU. The medical services that can be accessed via Telehealth include:

  • General practitioner and nursing consultations (primary care assessment)
  • Urgent care
  • Health and Wellness Clinics(Staff Only)

This service can be accessed by emailing the HSU at


Student Entrance Medical Form

Students are to download, scan and complete their Entrance Medical Forms and email the completed forms to or Please do NOT send your form to both emails.

Click here to download the form.





The Health Services Unit is a health facility which provides quality health care to actively registered students and staff at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. The overall health and wellness of the campus community is the main driving force, and the unit is always exploring different ways to positively contribute towards this. This includes the expansion of services offered such as visits with the medical team, inclusive of the Pharmacy and the Nutrition and Dietetics Department, health promotion activities and much more.


The launch of a Weight Management Clinic at The University of the West Indies for students, staff, and staff dependents with an abnormal weight (for their height) would help with the weight management process and equip them with the necessary tools needed to develop healthy habits and lead a healthy lifestyle in the long-term.

Registration link : Weight Management Clinic Initial Assessment Form | Cognito Forms

For more information, please contact us at 728-2408 or by sending an e-mail to




Semester exams are fast approaching and we all know there is still a lot to cram before the end of the semester. Whether you are a staff member, student or both there suddenly seems to be an endless amount of things to get done each day. Take a read of this document which provides simple measures you may employ to reduce your level of stress.


Pharmacy - Save Time and Be safe.

UWI Pharmacy introduces their new Whatsapp Service at 663-6524. 
Customers can now Whatsapp their orders or prescriptions, request product pricing and availability or get medication advice. 
Using our Whatsapp Service you can Save Time and Be Safe!


Please be reminded that Guardian Life Provisor cards are accepted at UWI Pharmacy.  Pay only 20% of your prescription.  We also fill CDAP prescriptions.


Opening hours - Mondays-Fridays 8:30am - 4:00pm 

Contact us also at or call ext. 82150


Important information on Gastro-Enteritis & Diarrhoea


Important Documents


The Health Service Unit is located 50 metres North of Trinity Hall or on the road bending southeast from the administration offices and towards Trinity Hall. This road would take you past the Division of Student Services and Development.