MPhil Agricultural Economics

(a) Entry Requirements

1. At least an upper second class honours degree (minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent) in Agricultural Economics, Economics, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agribusiness Management, Management Studies, Marketing or related area.

2. This is a research degree and candidates admitted to this programme will normally be expected to have a good undergraduate or postgraduate academic record.

3. Previous experience in research will be given special consideration in assessing a candidate’s suitability for admission.

(b) Course of Study

Candidates will be expected to complete AGBU 6301 (Research Methodology), a Graduate Research Seminar Course (GRSM 7000) and a minimum of eight credits from among the following courses:

Course Code

Course Title


AGBU 6102

Statistics and Mathematics for Agribusiness


AGBU 6602

Quantitative Methods II (Econometrics)


AGBU 6301

Research Methodology


AGBU 6501



AGBU 6302

Quantitative Methods I (Operations Research)


AGBU 6103

Sustainable Rural Development



(c) Thesis

The candidate must fulfill the MPhil thesis requirements of the Faculty of Science Food and Agriculture and successfully defend his/her thesis at a public oral examination.