Dr. Priya Kissoon

B.A, M.A. (York, Toronto), Ph.D. (Kings College, London)

Lecturer - Human Geography
Tel: +1-868-662-2002, ext. 82699
E-mail: priya.kissoon@sta.uwi.edu
Homepage: www.sta.uwi.edu/~pkissoon/www.priyakissoon.com/



SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow (Geography), (Dis)Advantages of Illegality: The Refugee Claimant Trajectories and Housing Experiences of Non-Status Migrants in Vancouver and Toronto, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Ph.D. (Re-considering homelessness: Refugees' housing experiences in the UK and Canada)Geography Department, School of Social Science and Public Policy, King's College London, University of London, UK

M.A. (Geography), Pathways to Homelessness: A Case Study of the Housing Careers of Homeless People in TorontoYork University, Toronto, Canada

B.Ed. (Secondary School), York University, Toronto, Canada

B.A. (Hons) (Geography and English), York University, Toronto, Canada

Research Interests

My main research interests are the existential and material experiences of "home" and "homelessness", which include policy-oriented research on housing and social displacement, as well as affective research on the sense of belonging and social inclusion. I am interested in the housing careers of Caribbean nationals and the structure and patterns of vernacular housing in the Caribbean. I am also exploring the housing and homelessness experiences of deportee-nationals and their re-integration in Trinidad and Tobago. My methodological approaches are mainly qualitative and mixed-method.

Other Interests

My personal interests include gardening, painting, and romantic poetry. A few of my favourite things include: a good jelly coconut; local and traditional arts and crafts, foods and cultures; street art; and supporting student initiatives toward ameliorating inequality and injustice.