GEOG 2013

Geography Research Methods

  • Credits: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate, Year 2
  • Semester: 2
  • Status: Core course for BSc Geography and elective course for BSc/BA major (Geography).
  • Pre-requisites: GEOG 1900 and GEOG 1901; or GEOG 1131, GEOG 1132, GEOG 1231 and GEOG 1232(from 2013/14).
  • Course coordinator: Dr. Priya Kissoon

Course coverage

Key methods in human and physical geography, conceiving and designing research, the research process, qualitative methods, quantitative methods and statistical analysis, mixed methods, data management, data collation, data analysis, research dissemination options.


This course is intended to provide students with a range of qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques and consolidate a general level of applied research skills in Geography to ensure that students are adequately equipped to compete effectively in the job market. The course introduces students to research project design and provides a good preparation for those students intending to pursue the course GEOG 3101 Research Project at Level III. In addition, strengthening a student's exposure to current conceptual discussions, research techniques and methodological issues will provide a stronger foundation for graduates who wish to pursue higher degrees. The course exposes undergraduates to a brief history of geographical ideas, scientific thinking and current methodological debates in the discipline as a foundation for an understanding of the range of quantitative and qualitative techniques currently in use in the discipline.

Course description

The course aims to provide some basic knowledge of key aspects of the history and philosophy of geographical enquiry, and to provide the theoretical and practical skills required to develop and conduct a research project in geography. These aims are achieved through providing training in the application of geographical research methods and techniques, data collection, data and statistical analysis, and the technical presentation of results. The course includes how to define a research topic, how to identify relevant literature, how to prepare a research proposal, and how to present data. Practical classes and assignments will equip students with the skills to conduct qualitative and quantitative research. By the end of the course, students should be familiar with the main conceptual and organizational issues that they will face in conducting research projects.