GEOG 3110

Geography Research Project

  • Credits: 6
  • Level: Undergraduate, Year 3
  • Semester: Full Year
  • Status: Elective course for BSc/BA major (Geography). Core course for BSc Geography
  • Pre-requisites: GEOG 1900 or GEOG 1901 and HOD approval; or GEOG 2102,or HOD approval.
  • Course coordinator:Dr. Priya Kissoon
  • Note: replaces GEOG 3000. Students who have already completed that course may not additionally take this one.

Course coverage

Personal research-oriented project; developing and applying qualitative and quantitative research skills; preparing a research proposal; research design and methodology; fieldwork and data collection techniques; collation and analysis tools and techniques; dissertation preparation; presentation of research findings.


GEOG 3110 prepares students for the world of work and for academic careers by guiding them through an intensive research design and implementation process, culminating in a formal presentation of research findings and the submission of a substantive empirical dissertation. Note that you will require GEOG 2102 and have a GPA of at least 2.6 to undertake this course.

Course description

GEOG 3110 Geography Research Project provides a showcase for each student's accumulated skills and knowledge. It builds on the skills developed in GEOG 2102 (Geography Research Methods) and gives students an opportunity to integrate the skills and knowledge they have developed throughout the course and to engage in independent research of the student's own choosing. The project module offers students the opportunity to demonstrate the qualities of independence and creativity by the pursuit of a topic of interest at depth. The research process begins with a project proposal, continues with research design and fieldwork, and culminates in a substantive academic presentation and dissertation based on the research findings.