GEOG 3114

Geographies of Migration and Settlement

  • Credits: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate, Year 3
  • Semester: 1
  • Status: Elective course for BSc/BA major (Geography) and BSc Geography.
  • Pre-requisites: GEOG 1901; or GEOG 1131, GEOG 1132, or HOD approval (from 2013/14).
  • Course coordinator: Dr. Priya Kissoon

Course coverage

Overview of migration through history; types of migration; international bodies and systems regulating migration; changing global demographics; immigration policies of states and regions; international migration patterns; irregular migration; the open borders debate; settlement policies and outcomes.


This elective course provides an in-depth examination of the key concepts in migration and settlement. The course is based on the intersection of academic theory, empirical research, policy documents, and students' own experiences of migration to offer a rich, holistic, and engaging learning experience. This course is reading and writing intensive. Students must be prepared to read up to 12,000 words per week consisting of academic articles, gray literature, websites, and testimonials. Students must also be prepared to voice their thoughts and analyses in lectures and via e-learning, as well as prepare organized and coherent essays, briefings, and presentations on readings and news reports. The course contributes to the preparation of UWI geography graduates for the 21st century by exposure to critical thinking, effective communications and self-motivated learning. It provides students with wide-ranging knowledge of international migration systems and debates in the global north and south. The course also links to GEOG 3104 Natural Hazards.

Course description

This course builds on Human Geography I (GEOG 1131), Population Geography. It takes an in-depth look at migration flows, conditions and debates in source and destination countries, migration as a human right, and migration control and management as expressions of state sovereignty and national identity. The course requires students to read and respond to academic articles, gray literature and policy documents, and news media. The course also gives students an opportunity to view testimonials and films on forms of migration, and offer critical reviews based on the literature and perspectives of different stakeholders. The first part of the course is an overview of trends, patterns, and theories of migration, while the second part of the course is dedicated to analyses and interpretations of migration processes and experiences.