ENRM 2003

Wildlife Resources and Management

  • Credits: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate, Year 2
  • Semester: 2
  • Status: Core course
  • Pre-requisites: ENRM 1001.

Course description

Animal species of importance in the Neo-tropics with the exception of the turkey (Melagris gallapavo) and the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) are introduced. The focus on neo-tropical animal biodiversity and management in this course is necessary to sustainably evaluate, conserve and utilize indigenous species. Neo-tropical animal wildlife resources and management is a unique course which combines geography, physio-geography and culture to identify and manage neo-tropical animal biodiversity. Through this course, students will be exposed to a diverse range of neo-tropical animals and innovative sustainable management strategies. Some Neotropical animal species like the leather back turtle will used to demonstrate the importance of conservation management. This course will be delivered by means of lectures, slides and videos, and also seek to enhance student participation via discussions on key issues. Students will be examined based on field trip reports, the slide session and questionnaire, project presentations, project write-up and a final examination.