Terrestrial Flood Risk and Climate Change in the Caroni River Basin: Adaptation Measures for Vulnerable Communities

Key Researchers: 
Dr. Matthew Wilson (Principal Investigator), Dr. Priya Kissoon, Dr. Vincent Cooper (Civil Engineering) and Prof. Michael Taylor (Climate Studies Group, Mona)

In this project, flood risk in the lower Caroni River basin is being assessed within the contexts of climate change, community vulnerability and adaptive capacity. The project aims to quantitatively assess current and future flood risk using computational modelling and integrate the results from this into a spatial analysis of vulnerability to flood risk, based on key indicators in Trinidad census data and the outcomes of community surveys and structured interviews. Pictured here are topographic data along the Caroni River acquired for the assessment of areas of potential flooding. These data were collected in 2013 using airborne laser scanning technology (LiDAR) for a project of the Drainage Division.

Funding: UWI-Trinidad & Tobago Research and Development Impact Fund (RDI Fund)

For further information, please see the main Caroni Flood Risk website.